1. The Twelfth Kimberley Process (KP) Plenary Meeting convened from Nov. 11-14, 2014 in Guangzhou, The People’s Republic of China. Delegations from 45 KP Participants and Observers from the World Diamond Council (WDC), the Civil Society Coalition (CSC), the Diamond Development Initiative (DDI) and the African Diamond Producers Association (ADPA) attended, along with the Republic of Mozambique as the KP Candidate, the United Nations Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic and the UN Group of Experts on Cote d’Ivoire attended as Guests of the Chair.

2. The Committee on Participation and Chairmanship (CPC), the Committee on Rules and Procedures (CRP), Working Group on Monitoring (WGM), the Working Group on Statistics (WGS), Working Group on Artisanal and Alluvial Production (WGAAP) and Working Group of Diamond Experts (WGDE) held meetings and Administrative Support Mechanism (ASM) held a workshop at the Plenary.

3. The Plenary Opening welcomed the Vice Chairman H.E. JI Bingxuan from the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China and Minister H.E. ZHI Shuping from the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter refer to as AQSIQ) of the People’s Republic of China, Vice Governor ZHAO Yufang from Guangdong Province and Mayor CHEN Jianhua from Guangzhou City to deliver speeches. The Opening and Closing of the Plenary were presided by KP 2014 Chairperson H.E. WEI Chuanzhong from AQSIQ.

4. The Plenary took note that the Committee on Participation and Chairmanship (CPC) was informed of the fact that Greenland participates in the KP and implements the KPCS through the EU.

5. The Plenary noted that the CPC was informed that Greenland has rough diamond production potential, but that this may only be realized in several years and encouraged the EU to inform the KP if such production were to start for export.

6. The Plenary noted that the CPC resolved to continue with its endeavors regarding the Out-Reach programme. It will continue to engage with the Principality of Liechtenstein, State of Kuwait and Republic of Chile regarding their inclusion into the KP.

7. The Plenary took note that the Republic of Mozambique delivered a presentation towards KP implementation and that the Republic of Mozambique is in the process of approving draft legislations for completion of its application for membership of the KPCS.

8. The Plenary welcomed the special efforts of the KP Chair to encourage the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to take the steps necessary to fully participate in the KP, and recalled that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela must host a Review Mission that demonstrates its compliance with the KPCS minimum requirements. The Plenary welcomed the KP Chair to keep the Plenary fully informed of his continued efforts to communicate with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

9. The Plenary noted that the KP Chair signed a non-binding, aspirational document reiterating the commitments previously made by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to comply with the minimum requirements of the KPCS. The Plenary further noted that the contents of this document are consistent with previous statements of the Plenary.

10. The Plenary noted that the United Arab Emirates and Australia applied for the 2015 Vice Chairmanship. The Plenary further noted that there was no consensus on which applicant should assume the Vice Chairmanship. The CPC therefore decided to revert the issue of Vice KP Chairmanship to the KP Chair for further consultation as stipulated by the New Delhi AD of 2008.

11. The Plenary approved the admission of the Republic of Belarus as a member of the Committee on Rules and Procedures.

12. The Plenary approved amendments to the Administrative Decision on “The participation of the Observers in the work of the KP” clarifying the authority and the procedure for participation of their representatives in the event/activity of the KP, submitted by the Committee on Rules and Procedures and supported by the Committee on Participation and Chairmanship.

13. The Plenary considered the inclusion into the provisional work program of the Committee on Rules and Procedures for 2015 the consideration of a project developed by the Republic of Angola. This project intends to address the participation in the work of the KP and KPCS of organizations and associations of governmental and nongovernmental structures of KP participants, which are not regional organizations of economic integration. This project would also address the work of KP and KPCS of organizations which are not Observers / Independent observers in the Kimberley Process.

14. The Plenary considered the inclusion into the provisional program of the work of the Committee on Rules and Procedures for 2015 the discussion of possible amendment to the Administrative decision: “RULES AND CRITERIA FOR SELECTING CANDIDATES FOR VICE-CHAIR OF THE KIMBERLEY PROCESS”.

15. The Plenary instructed the Administrative Support Mechanism to monitor the Internet in order for participants to be able to detect and suppress the use of the Kimberley Process logo for commercial purposes consistent with the Administrative Decision “On KP logo protection and the Guidelines for its use”.

16. The Plenary took note of USA as an observer member of WGAAP.

17. The Plenary endorsed the decision by WGAAP to renew Angola’s Chairmanship for another period of 3 years.

18. The Plenary noted the WGAAP’s recommendation for Participants’ reflection and discussion of some topics and/or initiatives that are external to the KP and might impact the KPCS.

19. The Plenary took note of DDI’s presentation on Development Diamond Standards to WGAAP, encouraging member Participants to self-implement these procedures.

20. The Plenary took note of the adoption by members of the Working Group of Diamond Experts of new Terms of Reference in order to comply with accepted KP Administrative Decisions.

21. The Plenary further noted ongoing WGDE efforts to support the implementation of the Central African Republic (CAR) KP roadmap and to implement the Administrative Decision on CAR (July 2014). The Plenary welcomed the export of a rough diamond shipment from CAR to South Africa to update the CAR footprinting analysis and work on a fingerprinting analysis. The Plenary looks forward to the results of this research analysis expected in March 2015.

22. To complement the work of the WGDE on footprinting and fingerprinting analysis, the Plenary encouraged the WGDE to establish a digital pictures database through the KP website based on past and future digital pictures. The Plenary encouraged the WGDE to report on the progress at the KP 2015 Intersessional Meeting.

23. The Plenary welcomed the discussions that were carried out during WGDE sessions to provide more guidance on the use of Technical Certificates and Letters of Comfort. Documents on the use of these tools will be uploaded on the KP website for the benefit of all KP Participants.

24. The Plenary took note that WGDE members were also briefed on preliminary results of the survey on procedures related to the forfeiture/confiscation of rough diamonds by KP Participants. The KP Chair encourages KP Participants that have not done so yet, to respond to the survey.

25. The Plenary took note that the WGDE would reactivate the work done on valuation through the setup of a dedicated sub-group in order to create consistency of methodologies across KP Participants.

26. The Plenary took note that the KP Chair and the Working Group Chairs of WGS, WGM and WGDE were co-recipients of the letter referring to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Egmont Report of 2013 sent by the President of the FATF.

27. The Plenary endorsed the proposed revisions to the Terms of Reference of the Working Group on Monitoring (WGM), including new provisions on composition, roles and duties of members, and welcomed the WGM’s decision to accept the applications from Angola, Cameroon and the African Diamond Producers’ Association (ADPA) for a provisional membership.

28. The Plenary took note of the results of the 2014 annual reporting exercise, as the main comprehensive and regular source of information on KPCS implementation by Participants, and welcomed the submission of annual reports on KPCS implementation in 2013 by 52 Participants representing 79 countries. The Plenary noted that the WGM had requested the Committee on Participation and Chairmanship (CPC) to deal with the two cases of late submissions. The Plenary reviewed the assessment of annual reports and encouraged Participants to continue submitting substantive annual reports on national KPCS implementation.

29. Furthermore, the Plenary welcomed the endorsement by the WGM of a Guidance Document on a new template for annual reporting, which contains useful suggestions as to the depth and detail of information to be provided and would also serve to enhance the assessment mechanism.

30. The Plenary took note of the annual report as submitted by the Civil Society Coalition on its activities in support of KPCS implementation, in line with the 2009 Administrative Decision (AD) on activities of Observers. The Plenary welcomed the commitment made by the World Diamond Council (WDC) to submit the annual report on its activities in support of KPCS implementation as soon as possible.

31. The Plenary took note of the report on the follow-up to the recommendations from review visit reports by Lebanon, Liberia and the Russian Federation and requested these three Participants to reflect this follow-up in their next Annual Report. As regards Lebanon, the Plenary welcomed the commitment made by the country’s KP authorities to share its Work Plan for addressing an action plan and report back at the next Inter-sessional. As for Liberia, the Plenary strongly encouraged the country’s KP authorities to continue implementing its Work Plan for addressing the serious deficiencies in its internal control system as listed in the review visit report. The Plenary invited the review visit team to assist Liberia in this respect.

32. The Plenary took note of preliminary reports on the proceedings of review visits conducted in South Africa, China, Guinea, Australia and Guyana, and requested the respective review visit teams to finalize their reports before the end of the year. Furthermore, the Plenary welcomed the expressions of interest for hosting a review visit as received by the WGM from Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, Armenia, the European Union, the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as well as Brazil, Laos, Mexico, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tanzania and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Plenary welcomed the commitment made by those countries to continuously open their certification systems to review and improvements, and called upon other Participants to continue inviting review visits under the KP’s Peer Review System.

33. In this context, the Plenary also took note of a report on a recent study tour hosted by Australia for representatives from other Participants and Observers in order to increase knowledge in KP best practices and develop a cadre of experts able to participate in future review visits. It was noted that study tour participants were preparing a Guidance Book on review visits to be submitted to the WGM for further consideration.

34. The Plenary commended Côte d’Ivoire for its efforts to achieve KPCS implementation and congratulated the country on the lifting of the UN embargo on the export of rough diamonds by means of UN Security Council Resolution 2153 (2014). The Plenary took note of a presentation by Côte d’Ivoire on its implementation of the recommendations from the review mission report (30 September-4 October 2013) as well as its transition strategy and post-embargo Action Plan. The Plenary encouraged Côte d’Ivoire to further implement its Action Plan and accepted the country’s invitation to host a review visit in early 2015, in line with the timing and obligations set out in UNSC Resolution 2153 (2014).

35. Furthermore, the Plenary took note of the diagnostic work undertaken by civil society in conjunction with the Government of Côte d’Ivoire to improve outcome in the artisanal mining sector in accordance with the Washington Declaration on integrating development of artisanal and small scale diamond mining with KP implementation.

36. The Plenary took note of further steps taken by the Mano River Union (MRU) countries to develop and implement a Regional Approach to KP compliance, an initiative that has been welcomed and endorsed by the UN Security Council in Resolution 2153(2014) in lifting the embargo on the export of rough diamonds from Côte d’Ivoire. The Plenary welcomed the continuous support to the MRU countries provided by the Technical Team established by the WGM and in terms of reaching out to potential implementing partners and regional bodies. Furthermore, the Plenary welcomed the establishment of a “Friends of MRU” group.

37. The Plenary was updated by the Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development (PRADD) project – co-funded by United States and the EU – on its activities in support of the Regional Approach developed by the MRU countries. The Plenary encouraged the MRU countries, the Technical Team, PRADD and other implementing partners to continue this work.

38. The Plenary took note of the impact of the Ebola epidemic in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. The Plenary regretted that some of the KP focal points were not present at the Plenary due to the Ebola crisis and reaffirmed its commitment to continue working closely with the MRU countries to support their efforts to address the challenges in the mining sector associated with the epidemic, including any needs for technical assistance. The Plenary suggested that the Technical Team could work with the MRU countries to collate a list of technical assistance needs, which could be posted on the KP website.

39. The Plenary welcomed the tool developed by the Diamond Development Initiative (DDI) in its capacity as the ASM focal point for technical assistance to match technical assistance needs with offers to provide capacity building.

40. In light of the AD on the Central African Republic (CAR) [Temporary Suspension] as approved through written procedure on 23 May 2013 and the AD on ensuring that diamonds from CAR are not introduced into the legitimate trade as approved through written procedure on 11 July 2014, the Plenary took note of the progress made by CAR on implementation of its Work Plan and roadmap for addressing issues of non-compliance with KPCS minimum standards and strengthening the internal control system.

41. The Plenary encouraged CAR’s KP authorities to continue implementing its Work Plan and share any relevant information and data directly with the appropriate KP working bodies. The Plenary also encouraged CAR to continue working closely together with the African Union (AU), relevant United Nations bodies – notably the Panel of Experts established pursuant to UNSC Resolution 2127 (2013), the international community and neighboring countries on KP compliance issues with a regional dimension. The Plenary invited the WGM to proceed with the planning of a Review Mission, in line with the AD on the Central African Republic (CAR) [Temporary Suspension] as approved through written procedure on 23 May 2013.

42. Furthermore, the Plenary invited the EU Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the US Geological Survey (USGS) to continue monitoring the situation in selected producing areas through analysis of satellite imagery.

43. The Plenary requested Participants to consider providing technical assistance to CAR and its neighboring countries, with a view to enhancing their capacity and strengthening their internal controls over diamond production and trade.

44. With a view to facilitating secure notification of new KP certificates, the Plenary encouraged the Administrative Support Mechanism (ASM) to reach out to all Participants and Observers to ensure they have access to the private area of the KP website.

45. The Plenary welcomed the suggestion made by KP working bodies to consider relevant recommendations from the Financial Action Task Force report related to risks associated with the supply chain of rough diamonds, but emphasized that the Kimberley Process already provides measures to mitigate against such “vulnerabilities” and risks. It was agreed that the WGM and the WGDE would assess those recommendations in the context of their ongoing efforts to further strengthen KPCS implementation.

46. The Plenary reaffirmed its commitment to continue dialogue on decision-making and the conflict diamond definition in accordance with §33 of the Johannesburg Plenary Communiqué (November 2013).

47. The Plenary took note of a memorandum of understanding between the People’s Republic of China and the EU-Belgium on bilateral electronic exchange of KP Certificates’ data to enhance the implementation of the KPCS requirements.

48. The Plenary noted that Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Laos, Lesotho, Malaysia and Mali did not meet their statistical reporting requirement for 2014. In addition, Venezuela and the Central African Republic did not meet their reporting requirement for 2012 and 2013, respectively. A request was made by the Chair of the WGS to implement the November 8, 2005 Administrative Decision on the Guidelines for the Participation Committee with respect to Statistical Non Submissions. This document outlines the action to be taken with respect to outstanding statistical reports.

49. The Plenary welcomed the adoption of the WGS Terms of Reference document.

50. The Plenary noted the completion of 29 Participant statistical analyses for 2013 with 6 responses. The WGS awaits the responses from 21 Participants. There are 25 analyses remaining to be completed. The 2012 analyses have been posted to the KP Rough Diamond website.

51. The Plenary noted the WGS initialization of the second iteration of the annual Data Anomaly Questionnaire (DAQ) Process, which is used to identify anomalies/discrepancies in reported KP statistics. Participants meeting the requirements of this process will receive a questionnaire in accordance with the 2012 Administrative Decision on the Data Anomaly Questionnaire Process.

52. The Plenary made significant progress in identifying the various charts and tables that will be automated and used by WGS members in the preparation of the annual statistical analyses. The automation of this process will reduce the burden on WGS members during their preparation of the annual statistical analyses. The template will be finalized during the WGS’ upcoming teleconference meetings.

53. The Plenary noted the continued efforts by the WGS in providing outreach and education to members of the KP on statistical reporting of Production, Trade and Certificate Count statistics.

54. The Plenary welcomed the selection of the Republic of Angola as the new Chair in 2015.

55. The Plenary took note of the Republic of Liberia, the Republic of Sierra Leone and the Republic of Guinea’s absence in the Plenary due to the outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa. Teleconference to the WGM breakout session on Mano River Union approach was arranged during the Plenary. These countries were given opportunities for providing written comments on the Communiqué and other outcomes of the meeting.

56. At the conclusion of the Plenary, the Kimberley Process is comprised of 54 Participants representing 81 nations.

57. The Plenary thanked The People’s Republic of China for hosting this Plenary session and appreciated the hospitality extended to the delegates. The Plenary welcomed The People’s Republic of China as the incoming Chair of the CPC for 2015.

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