On April 22nd, 2021, the Secretariat of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS hosted a virtual briefing for members of the Coalition represented by their embassies in Washington, DC. Acting Special Envoy for the Global Coalition John Godfrey briefed on the global D-ISIS campaign and outcomes of the March 30 Small Group Coalition Ministerial. Deputy Special Envoy David Schlaefer outlined the current 2021 Stabilization Pledge Drive for Iraq and Syria. Director of Iraqi Affairs Ian Hopper briefed on the April 7 U.S.-Iraq Strategic Dialogue. And Senior Advisor for Communications to the Secretariat Michelle Barton updated the timeframe for the next set of meetings addressing Coalition’s five lines of D-ISIS effort: counter-ISIS messaging, counter ISIS-finance, stabilization for liberated areas, repatriation of foreign terrorist fighters in Syria, and political-military consultations. The next in-person 83-member Coalition Ministerial meeting will be held as soon as conditions allow.

U.S. Department of State

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