The United States commends the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) for their heroic and effective response to the sustained ISIS attack on the Hasakah detention center and the surrounding area. We send our sincerest condolences to the families of the SDF fighters and guards killed and to the communities impacted by the violence inflicted by ISIS. ISIS’ desperate and violent tactics are a grave reminder to the world that the terrorist group remains a threat that can and must be defeated.

Due to the effective response of the SDF, in partnership with U.S. and Coalition forces, senior ISIS leaders were captured or killed during the attempt to free detained ISIS members from detention. This battle is a reminder that the enduring defeat of ISIS requires the support of the international community.

We call on our partners in the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, whose efforts successfully stripped ISIS of its captured territory, to improve the secure and humane detention of ISIS fighters, support rehabilitation initiatives, and urgently repatriate their nationals and other detainees remaining in northeast Syria. The U.S. government will continue its stabilization and other programs in the region to support these efforts.

The United States, through the Coalition, remains committed to the enduring defeat of ISIS, working by, with, and through our local partners.

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future