American journalist Austin Tice was abducted in Syria ten years ago this week. We continue to demand that Syrian officials fulfill their obligations under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations to acknowledge the detention of Austin and every other U.S. national held in Syria, a responsibility under international law and an important step in securing their release.

I am committed to bringing home all U.S. hostages and wrongful detainees held around the world. As the President said directly to the Tice family, we will continue to pursue all available avenues to bring Austin home and work tirelessly until we succeed in doing so. Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs Roger Carstens will continue to engage with the Syrian government in close coordination with the White House, Hostage Recovery Fusion Cell, and our team here at the State Department.

Every passing day adds to Austin’s and his family’s unfathomable ordeal. We will do everything possible to see to it that Austin comes home to his loved ones who miss him dearly and to the country that awaits him eagerly. Each and every day we will strive to bring Austin home, where he belongs.

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future