Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR) Geoffrey R. Pyatt will travel to Bucharest, Romania and Rome, Italy on September 5-8. On September 5-6 in Bucharest, he will participate in the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) Summit and meet with Romanian and regional government officials to discuss progress on shared energy security and clean energy priorities, and support for Ukraine and Moldova. In Bucharest, Assistant Secretary Pyatt will also participate in an American Chamber of Commerce-hosted forum and address the energy sector as a strategic avenue for stronger U.S.-Romania economic ties. On September 7, Assistant Secretary Pyatt will travel to Rome for bilateral meetings with senior Italian government officials and representatives from the private sector to discuss regional energy security issues, advancing collaboration on the clean energy transition, and support for Ukraine. For further media information, please contact ENR-PD-Clearances@state.go

U.S. Department of State

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