SUBJECT: Ambassadorial Nomination: Certificate of

Demonstrated Competence — Foreign Service

Act, Section 304(a)(4)

POST: Belize

CANDIDATE: André Bauer

André Bauer is a political leader, commentator, and real estate developer in South Carolina. He has served as a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives, as a State Senator, and as the Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina from 2003- 2011. He was also the National Chairman of the Republican Lt. Governor Association in 2005. Mr. Bauer later appeared as a political analyst and commentator on CNN from 2016 – 2019. As a businessman, he has worked in real estate development since 1991 and currently is the proprietor of Bunk Aviation, a real estate holding company in Charleston, South Carolina. Mr. Bauer also served as a Major in the South Carolina State Guard from 2010 – 2015.

Over the course of his political career, Mr. Bauer had the opportunity to work with people from all walks of life, finding common ground and opportunities. As Lt. Governor he met with numerous business, and civic leaders as well as with international partners. He also worked with the legislature to transfer responsibility on aging issues to the Lt. Governor. He used the Lt. Governor’s Office on Aging to lead the effort to serve one of South Carolina’s most vulnerable communities. He worked closely with congress and Federal government agencies, developing ways to improve services and to bring innovative leadership to tackling the problems faced by South Carolina’s seniors. All of these experiences, coupled with his considerable experience in the business community makes him a well-qualified candidate to be Ambassador to Belize.

Mr. Bauer received his B.A. degree from the University of South Carolina, College of Applied Professional Sciences, Columbia, South Carolina, in 1991. He is the recipient of a number of honors including recognition as University of South Carolina Alumnus of The Year, 2001; as the Aspen Rodel Ins. Fellow in Public Leadership and the South Carolina Republican Party Terry Haskins Awards for Legislative Leadership.

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future