DAS Resnick
Mira Resnick is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Regional Security in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. In this capacity she oversees the Bureau’s Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers, which manages over $40 billion annually in government-to-government defense equipment transfers through Foreign Military Sales, Third Party Transfers, and Excess Defense Articles. She is also responsible for the Bureau’s Office of Security Assistance, which manages approximately $6.5 billion in U.S. security sector assistance annually; coordinates State Department oversight, planning, and input for over $9 billion in Defense Department security sector assistance programs; and provides State Department input for Department of Defense planning and military activities. Prior to her current position, she served as the Senior Professional Staff Member for the Democratic staff of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, focusing on the Middle East and North Africa.   In this capacity, Mira negotiated dozens of bills, resolutions, letters, and amendments with Democratic and Republican members, key community stakeholders, and two Administrations. A driver of bipartisan consensus, she has worked on a wide range of topics, including weapons transfers, sanctions, human rights, and foreign assistance.  Mira began working on Capitol Hill in 2005 and has worked for Rep. Henry Waxman (D-California), Rep. William Keating (D-Massachusetts), Rep. Ron Klein (D-Florida), and Rep. Steve Israel (D-New York). From 2011 to 2013, Mira joined the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, working on strategic planning and relations with Congress. Mira graduated from Columbia University and earned a master’s degree in Security Studies from the National Defense University.  She is a Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future