Tom Kerrihard Headshot HR
Dr. Thomas Kerrihard began his State Department career in 2011 as the Regional Medical Officer Psychiatrist in Nairobi and subsequently served in Lima, Washington, Athens and Vienna. In September of 2022, he began his current position as Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Mental Health Programs. Dr. Kerrihard completed his undergraduate studies in German Language and Literature at the University of California at Berkeley. He received his medical school training at a joint program at Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in the Division of Health Science and Technology. He subsequently completed a residency in Adult Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School’s Cambridge Hospital program. After residency, Dr. Kerrihard did a fellowship in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. In 1999, he moved to Los Angeles to become the Director of Mental Health Services for AIDS Healthcare Foundation. He went on to become board certified in Hospice & Palliative Care and Pain Medicine and worked at the Cedars-Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center from 2003 to 2011. Dr. Kerrihard served as Director of Supportive Care Services at the cancer center, which provided mental health treatment, nutrition services, pain management and palliative care to cancer patients. In August of 2011, he started his career as a Foreign Service Officer for the U.S. Department of State. Dr. Kerrihard is a Minister Counselor in the Senior Foreign Service.

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future