The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) works to keep Americans safe at home by countering international crime, illegal drugs, and instability abroad. INL helps countries deliver justice and fairness by strengthening their police, courts, and corrections systems. These efforts reduce the amount of crime and illegal drugs reaching U.S. shores.

ChallengesGuinea continues to regain its economic footing following the devastating Ebola crisis. In March 2020, Guinea approved a new constitution, which extends presidential term limits and weakens checks on presidential powerWidespread corruption and distrust of government institutionsas well as frequent strikes and violent clashes between citizens and security forces are some of the major challenges in Guinea.    

Goals: INL’s work with the Government of Guinea aims to build credible civilian security and justice institutions that promote the rule of law and enable the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection to effectively respond during a future epidemic crisis. 


  • Since 2015, INL has worked to improve the Guinean government’s security sector through the development of police training curriculum and assisted with the reopening of the Kagbalen Police Training School. Beginning in 2017an INL advisor has helped the police academy improve its professionalism by strengthening its cadre of instructors, leveraging technology, facilitating practical exercises, integrating new curriculum, and teaching basic individual skills and discipline including wearing a uniform and weapons safety. 
  • Since 2015, a comprehensive security sector project has built trust and legitimacy between police and communities in strategic population centers including KindiaMamouLabé, Kankan, Siguiri, and two important communes of Conakry (Dixinn and Kaloum). This project achieved significant results including: 
  • Helping the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection develop and publish a community policing strategy;  
  • Overhauling the task organization structure of the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection headquarters and regional police headquarters to create efficiencies and instill a more proactive approach to policing;  
  • Training police assigned to key functions including criminal investigators and officers specifically assigned to teach children in school 
  • Educating more than 5,000 students on the roles of the police and basic criminal laws; 
  • Conducting a variety of outreach events including 10 radio programs, 15 SMS surveys, and several community roundtables; and 
  • Conducting numerous community security dialogues involving over 300 women. 
  • In partnership with the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection, INL has implemented a robust program to improve law enforcement and public health coordination responses in the event of a future epidemicThis entails effective interagency protocols, mechanisms for sharing information, adeptly messaging critical information to the public in a timely manner using a variety of mediums, improving radio communications capabilities, and building biosecurity awareness and confidence among first responders.  
  • In support of the Ministry of Justice’s reform agenda, INL stood up and operationalized regional justice centersmaisons de justice, in KindiaLabé, and Kankan; provided tailored trainings to a variety of judges, prosecutors, and administrative staff; donated vehicles for improved mobility; and assisted with numerous IT related improvements. 
  • In 2018, INL partnered with INTERPOL to implement an “Enhancement of Multi-Agency Biological Preparedness in Guinea Project” which aims to strengthen multi-agency preparedness, coordination, and cooperation during biological events as a part of Guinea’s response to natural or deliberate epidemic outbreaks.   
  • In 2018, INL partnered with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to implement the “Preparing Law Enforcement Institutions for Next Epidemics in Guinea” project. Through this ongoing project, IOM has organized national, regional, and prefecture level workshops, trainings, and simulation exercises involving officials to improve interagency coordination, develop law enforcement preparedness plans, disseminate SOPs, and rehearse response activities. 


U.S. Department of State

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