School Contact Information

  • Tel: +45-3946-3300 | Regional Education Officer: Tim Stuart

  • E-mail: | Website: 

  • This Fact Sheet is intended to provide general information. For more information, contact A/OPR/OS ( / +1-202-261-8200) or the school directly.


Logo for Copenhagen International School

The Copenhagen International School is an independent, coeducational day school, which offers an International Baccalaureate educational program from PYP prekindergarten (three to four-year-olds) through IB DP 2 (grade 12) for students of all nationalities. The school was founded in 1963. The school year comprises four quarters, extending from mid-August through mid-June.

Organization: The school is governed by a school board; some members are elected by parents, and some are appointed. Membership in the board is open to all parents or guardians of children enrolled in the school. The school is recognized by the Danish government and receives annual subsidies through the Ministry of Education.

Curriculum: The school is authorized to deliver the continuum of the three International Baccalaureate curriculum programs: the IB Primary Years Program (PYP) (PK-5) followed by the IB Middle Years Program (MYP) (6-10) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (DP) (11-12). Instruction is in English. The curriculum covers language (English), mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, design technology, art, music, and drama. Danish is taught to all students, starting in kindergarten. French, German, and Spanish are offered as foreign languages starting in grade 5. The school is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and by the IBO.

Faculty: In the 2023-2024 school year, CIS has 185 total staff including 161 teachers, 27 of whom are U.S. citizens, 23 host-country nationals, and 111 third-country nationals.

Enrollment: At the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, enrollment was 951. Of the total, 154 were U.S. citizens, 229 were host-country nationals, and 674 were third-country nationals.

Facilities: In January 2017, the school moved to totally new, state-of-the art facilities on the water in Nordhavn, three miles from the city center. Facilities include three indoor sports halls, a fitness room, a dance studio, a spacious cafeteria overlooking the water, a professional theater seating 300 people, multiple fully equipped science labs, music rooms, and art rooms – in addition to 56 large classrooms equipped with Clever Touch interactive touchscreens. The ventilation system that ensures optimal temperature and air quality at all times. The design of the building, which includes many sustainable features, is impressive and has ideal spaces for learning.

Finances: Annual tuition rates can be found here:

Special Needs: Review the Special Needs Profile for this school to learn more about their capability to support students with exceptionalities.

This Fact Sheet is intended to provide general information. Prospective users of the schools may wish to inquire further of A/OPR/OS or contact the school directly for more specific and up-to-the-minute information. Information and statistics are current as of September 2023 and provided by the school.

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