The below is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price:

Today, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman met Republic of Korea Vice Foreign Minister Choi Jong Kun in Washington.  The Deputy Secretary and the Vice Foreign Minister reaffirmed the U.S.-ROK Alliance as the linchpin of peace, security, and prosperity in Northeast Asia, the Indo-Pacific, and beyond.  Deputy Secretary Sherman and Vice Foreign Minister Choi highlighted U.S.-ROK cooperation on shared priorities, including addressing the climate crisis, building relations and addressing challenges in the Indo-Pacific, strengthening cooperation on global health and secure supply chains, and working toward the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.  They discussed efforts to combat COVID-19 through expanding vaccine production and related supplies and manufacturing innovations.  The Deputy Secretary and the Vice Foreign Minister also reaffirmed the importance of restoring Burma’s path to democracy and stressed that cooperation between and among the United States, the ROK, and Japan is essential to solving global challenges of today and the future.

U.S. Department of State

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