The United States Attorney’s Office (USAO) in Vermont awarded Brian Sultzbaugh, current Deputy Regional Security Officer at U.S. Embassy Guatemala, and former Resident Agent in Charge in Vermont,  the first ever U.S. Attorney’s Award.

This award is a part of USAO Vermont’s annual law enforcement awards program. The U.S. Attorney’s Award recognizes one whose professional excellence advances the mission of the USAO. Special Agent Sultzbaugh was specifically recognized for his exemplary leadership of a team with “notable investigative casework, including an impressive passport and bank fraud investigation resulting in a successful trial and sentencing”.

SA Sultzbaugh led his team through thoughtful investigations and demonstrated a level of commitment that went above and beyond a law enforcement officer’s typical duties. As a result, the USAO in Vermont developed great partnerships, including with Canadian law enforcement and the U.S. Consulate in Montreal. The  DSS team’s expertise in international investigations and familiarity with diplomatic protocols helped to enhance  communications and cooperation between  U.S. and Canadian law enforcement in the border region.

Due to his pending departure from the United States to Guatemala, the USAO held a special early ceremony to present him with the U.S. Attorney’s Award. With COVID -19 restrictions observed, the office hosted SA Sultzbaugh, his family and his staff.

US Attorney Christina Nolan presenting SA Sultzbaugh with award (Department of State photo)
SA Sultzbaugh speaking after accepting award (Department of State photo)

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future