On October 5, 2018, the President signed the Geospatial Data Act (GDA)  into law.  The GDA reflects growing recognition of the essential role of geospatial data and technology in government and society, and it highlights the need to support the continuing development and application of geospatial capabilities as critical infrastructure.  The GDA identifies the Department of State as a Covered Agency (CA), meaning the Department is subject to compliance with the thirteen (13) responsibilities specified in Section 759(a) of the GDA.

The State Department Geographer, resident in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research’s (INR) Office of the Geographer and Global Issues, serves as the Senior Agency Official for Geospatial Information (SAOGI) responsible for the oversight of the Department’s implementation of the Geospatial Data Strategy requirements.  The Geospatial Data Strategy (GDS) provides a foundational roadmap with strategic goals and objectives to ensure the Department can learn, adopt, and refine policies, procedures, and practices across the geospatial community to ensure compliance with the Geospatial Data Act (2018).

Download Geospatial Data Strategy [582 KB]

U.S. Department of State

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