School Contact Information

  • Tel: +297-583-5040 | Regional Education Officer: Catarina Song Chen

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  • This Fact Sheet is intended to provide general information. For more information, contact A/OPR/OS ( / +1-202-261-8200) or the school directly.


Logo for the International School of Aruba

The International School of Aruba (ISA) is a nonprofit, coeducational, English-language, college preparatory day school, enrolling approximately 150 students from PK-3 through grade 12. The school’s purpose-built campus is located in the Wayaca residence area across from the airport. First languages of our students primarily include English, Dutch, Spanish, Hindi, and Papiamento.

Organization: ISA is governed by a six-member board composed of representatives of International Schools Services, Princeton, New Jersey. The school is located in Aruba and is a nonprofit foundation.

Curriculum: The American-based curriculum is that of U.S. academic and college preparatory public schools. The program strives to enable its students to achieve their highest possible level of intellectual, social, and personal development, and includes Advanced Placement (AP) courses in Spanish, English, calculus, art history and studio art, human geography, European history, and world history. The maximum class size is 23. Instruction is in English, but students may also study native Spanish and native Dutch programs. Students in the secondary grades carry up to eight courses through the school year. Most of ISA’s graduates go on to universities in the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands. The school has been fully accredited by the Cognia since 1990.

Faculty: In the 2023-2024 school year, ISA has 49 total staff including 28 teachers, 11 of whom are U.S. citizens, 13 host-country nationals, and 4 third-country nationals. Our staff represent 11 different nationalities. All teaching staff have obtained either their bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in the field of teaching from their countries of origin.

Enrollment: The school has 132 students from PK-3 through grade 12. There are 35 U.S. citizens, 59 host-country nationals and 41 third-country nationals.

Facilities: The campus is designed to serve 250 students, with a new air-conditioned, multi-purpose-built facility. The school grounds include an artificial turf soccer field, beach tennis courts, a playground and a volleyball/basketball court under a covered gymnasium, as well as four large gazebo shelters.

Finances: Annual tuition rates are as follows: Primary Program PK-3 (½ day program) $9,501 Primary Program (full-day program): $17,019; grades 1-6: $17,154; grades 7-8: $18,368; grades 9-12: $21,272. There is a one-time capital levy fee of $7,910. There is a one-time application fee of $212. A 5% surcharge is charged if a payment plan for tuition is selected. (All fees are quoted in U.S. dollars.)

Special Needs: Review the Special Needs Profile for this school to learn more about their capability to support students with exceptionalities.

This Fact Sheet is intended to provide general information. Prospective users of the schools may wish to inquire further of A/OPR/OS or contact the school directly for more specific and up-to-the-minute information. Information and statistics are accurate as of September 2023 and are provided by the school.

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