
ISN/MBC leads the USG effort to identify and stop specific shipments of missile- and CBW-related items of concern worldwide, including by chairing the relevant interdiction working groups.


ISN/MBC implements U.S. missile and CBW sanctions laws, missile and CBW-related Executive Order (E.O.) 12938 penalties, and the Iran, North Korea, and Syria Nonproliferation Act. Much of this work is facilitated by and coordinated through the interdiction working groups. More»

Licensing, Export Control, and Visa Review

ISN/MBC leads interagency review of U.S. export license applications for consistency with CBW and missile nonproliferation objectives, and to ensure that U.S. transfers do not contribute to proliferation. The office also reviews visa applications for missile and CBW proliferation concerns.

Congressional Reports

ISN/MBC regularly provides the following reports to Congress: “Proliferation of Missiles and Essential Components of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapons”; the national emergency with respect to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; INKSNA; countries’ adherence to the MTCR; and the “Annual Certification to Congress on the Effectiveness of the Australia Group.”

Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)

ISN/MBC is the office responsible for representing the United States in the 35 member Regime. The MTCR is an informal Regime which seeks to limit the risks of proliferation of WMD by controlling exports of goods and technologies that could make a contribution to delivery systems (other than manned aircraft) for such weapons. In this context, the Regime places particular focus on rockets and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) — capable of delivering a payload of at least 500 kg to a range of at least 300 km — and on equipment, software, and technology for such systems.  For more information about the MTCR, visit​.

Australia Group (AG)

ISN/MBC is the office responsible for representing the United States in the 42 member group.  The AG is an informal forum of countries which, through the harmonization of export controls, seeks to ensure that exports do not contribute to the development of chemical or biological weapons. Coordination of national export control measures assists Australia Group participants to fulfil their obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention to the fullest extent possible.​  For more information about the​ AG, visit

Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCOC)

The HCOC was formally brought into effect on November 25, 2002, at a launching conference hosted by the Netherlands in The Hague.  ISN/MBC is the office responsible for representing the United States in the 138 member group.  The HCOC is aimed at bolstering efforts to curb ballistic missile proliferation worldwide and to further delegitimize such proliferation. The HCOC consists of a set of general principles, modest commitments, and limited confidence-building measures. It is intended to supplement, not supplant, the MTCR and is administered collectively by all of the subscribing states. For more information about the HCOC, visit More»

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future