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Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

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The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weaponsmore commonly known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), has made the world safer and more prosperous for over fifty years. The NPT, with its three pillars of nonproliferation, disarmament, and peaceful uses of nuclear energy, is the cornerstone of the global nuclear nonproliferation regime.

The Treaty first entered into force in 1970 and was extended indefinitely in 1995. Today, the NPT has become nearly universal, with 191 States Parties. Over the years, the NPT has helped prevent additional states from acquiring nuclear weapons, provided the confidence necessary to facilitate cooperation on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and fostered a security environment that has enabled dramatic reductions in nuclear stockpiles and that is essential for future progress on nuclear disarmament.

The United States is committed tupholding and strengthening the NPT while restoring U.S. leadership on arms control and nonproliferation.  Effective arms control enhances stability, transparency, and predictability while reducing the possibility of costly, dangerous arms races.  Working closely with our partners and allies around the world, the United States will address 21st century challenges while preserving and strengthening the Treaty for future generations.

The NPT Review Process

The Treaty allows for the Parties to gather every five years for the NPT Review Conference (RevCon) to review its operation. NPT Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) meetings are held during each of the three years preceding a RevCon.

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