OSAC Major Events Team Lead Phil Walker (left) speaks with the NBC Sports Group vice president of Global Security at NBC’s control studio at the International Broadcasting Center at the Tokyo Olympics, Japan, July 24, 2021. (U.S. Department of State photo)

OSAC is an office within the Diplomatic Security Service that works directly with U.S. organizations and businesses operating overseas. Over 18,000 individuals and 5,000 corporate, non-profit, academic, and faith-based organizations belong to OSAC’s global membership, and several are supporting the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Through sponsorships, supplier and broadcasting agreements, normal in-country business operations, and other programs, the U.S. private sector is intricately involved in the Tokyo Olympics, despite the significant reduction in staff and guests due to the spectator ban, Tokyo state of emergency, and strict Japan travel entry restrictions. OSAC coordinates the passage of unclassified logistical, security, and threat information to and from the U.S. private sector operating on the ground during major events. This information exchange assists the U.S. government in maintaining accurate and timely situational awareness, and helps private-sector security managers make informed decisions to protect their staff, guests, operations, and facilities.

Inside the Joint Operations Center at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, OSAC’s role is to keep members apprised of relevant security and logistical considerations as they execute their event supporting objectives. OSAC analysts monitor the security and operational environment, and assess its impact to the U.S. private sector. From cyber threats to extreme weather events, from protest activity to criminal incidents, from COVID outbreaks to transportation disruptions, OSAC’s major events team works to keep a pulse on all developments in-country. The team produces a daily unclassified security report, sends out periodic updates throughout the day, and encourages its members to report security incidents and general observations to leverage, for everyone’s benefit, the real-time exchange of information.

“Keeping OSAC’s public-private communication and collaboration effort going strong for the protection of U.S. interests overseas is our primary focus in everything we do, and will remain our top priority at the Tokyo Olympics despite the significant changes to the event” – Phil Walker, OSAC’s Major Events Team Lead.

Walker (far right), DSS Special Agent and Beijing Olympic Security Coordinator Aria Lu (center) and NBC Sports Group vice president of Global Security (left) at the NBC studio at the International Broadcasting Center, Tokyo, Japan, July 24, 2021. (U.S. Department of State photo)
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U.S. Department of State

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