TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) should be given to any person living with HIV in a country with high burdens of both diseases. It is logistically and financially practicable, and is considered a routine standard for HIV care and treatment. In many countries with high dual burdens, TPT is recommended and included in national guidelines. However, it has not been well-implemented or widely scaled up in most countries. There are many different reasons for this, including clinician concerns about adverse events or engendering drug resistance, or programmatic concerns about administrative leadership and procurement.


These tools are a fairly comprehensive set of response/aids intended to address the many different concerns or obstacles that HIV programs may face when scaling up TPT. They constitute a library that programs may select from and adapt as needed to fit the local context. The following graphic lists the tools and indicates where in the planning and execution each might be useful:

TPT Implementation Guide (2020) [885 KB]

1) TPT Baseline Assessment [668 KB]

2) TPT Mythbusters Slidedeck (PPT)

3) TPT FAQs for Programs [107 KB]

4) Briefers (Pregnancy [35 KB]/TPT Adherence [71 KB]/DTG [480 KB])

5) TPT TDY SOW Template [35 KB]

6) TPT Implementation Checklist [68 KB]

7) TPT Costing Tool [38 KB]

8) TPT Target Setting Considerations [229 KB]

9) TB/HIV Indicators Slidedeck [8 MB]

10) Data Flow Assessment Tool [58 KB]

11) Example TPT Register [49 KB]

12) TPT Adult Clinical Algorithm [240 KB]

13) TPT Pediatric Clinical Algorithm [454 KB]

14) TPT FAQs for Patients [262 KB]

15) TPT INH Patient Information Pamphlet [3 MB]

16) Adverse Events Monitoring Framework Slide deck [3 MB]

17a) Considerations for Incorporating TPT into Differentiated Service Delivery Models [2 MB]

17b) Considerations for Incorporating TPT into Differentiated Service Delivery Models – Child and Adolescent Populations [2 MB]

18) Considerations for Incorporating TB treatment into Differentiated Service Delivery Models [2 MB]

19) TPT Commodity Forecasting Tool

20) TPT Clinical Site Assessment Tool [80 KB]

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future