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  • This Fact Sheet is intended to provide general information. For more information, contact A/OPR/OS ( / +1-202-261-8200) or the school directly.

    The Regional Education Officer for this school is Andrew Hoover.

QSI Dili School Logo

QSI International School of Dili is an independent, coeducational, day school, which offers an educational program for students from pre-kindergarten (three years old) through grade 12 for students of all nationalities. QSI Dili opened its doors to the community in August of 2005 in order to provide high-quality education in English for children living in Dili. We strive to achieve this by creating a comfortable, engaging learning environment that includes the most up-to-date curriculum and resources available. Our educators are experienced and certified in their country of origin with notable credentials.

Organization:  The school is governed by the Board of Directors of Quality Schools International, the membership of which is formed and set forth in the Bylaws of Quality Schools International. The Advisory Board, which assists the school in its operation, is composed of international members residing in Dili and appointed jointly by the president of Quality Schools International and the Director of QSI Dili.

Curriculum: The school offers an outcomes-based educational program with a curriculum similar to that of U.S. public and private schools. The program of study is cooperatively written on a seven-year cycle by a team of qualified teachers from Quality Schools International schools according to U.S. standards. Certified teachers from the United States provide differentiated, project-based instruction that leads students toward mastery of targeted skills and concepts. Instruction is in English, and foreign language options include French, Tetum, and Portuguese. QSI International School of Dili is accredited at all levels by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA). An active student council and parent support group work with the faculty in providing dynamic after-school activities for students of all ages, five days a week. Competitive sports are offered throughout the year including soccer, volleyball and basketball. Additionally, secondary students may participate in the National Honor Society and Advanced Placement courses.

Faculty: In the 2023-2024 school year, QSI Dili has 45 total staff including 31 teachers, 10 of whom are U.S. citizens, 14 host-country nationals, and 6 third-country nationals. All teaching faculty maintain a teaching degree, certificate/credential e.g., Diploma of Teaching/registered Teacher’s certificate from their countries of origin. This includes Diversity and Inclusion training as well as and Child Protection certification.

Enrollment: At the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, enrollment was 118 (PK–12). Of the total, 18 are U.S. citizens, 20 are host-country national students, and 80 are third-country nationals.

Facilities: Our purpose built facility was recently completed with over 20 classrooms including a media studio, science lab, and visual arts center. Besides the classrooms for all grades levels, there is ample outdoor space that includes two shaded playgrounds, a field for sports, and a covered court for basketball, volleyball and tennis. We also provide hot meals through our cafeteria service. The school is located behind the Australian Embassy in a secure area next to a large residential compound.

Finances:  In 2023-2024 school year, most of the school’s income derives from school tuition, fees, and grants. Fees and tuition for families who receive educational benefits from their employer are as follows: Registration Fee- there is a one-time, non-refundable fee of $300 for all students at the time of registration; capital fund fee- $6,400 payment schedule: 1st term $2,400, 2nd term $2,400, 3rd term $2,400; school fees- 5-year-old class & above $19,200- 1st term $7,600, 2nd term $5,800, 3rd term $5,800; 3-4-year-old class, no capital fund fee is required for these classes. 3-Year-Old half-day (8:15 – 11:30 a.m.) 3 & 4-year-old full-day (8:15 – 3:15 p.m.) Tuition $6,800 or $8,300, payment schedule: 1st term $2,600, $3,300 2nd term $2,100, $2,500, 3rd term $2,100 $2,500. (All fees quoted in U.S. dollars.)

Special Needs: Review the Special Needs Profile for this school to learn more about their capability to support students with exceptionalities.

This Fact Sheet is intended to provide general information. Prospective users of the schools may wish to inquire further of A/OPR/OS or contact the school directly for more specific and up-to-the-minute information. Information and statistics are current as of September 2023 and are provided by the school.

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