Antisemitism today is a rising domestic danger and a growing global threat—an age-old form of bigotry unconstrained by municipal boundaries or national borders throughout its sordid history. So, the steps to counter it in the present day cannot be confined to any one nation or area either. This must be, and is, a comprehensive, wide-ranging, international cause.

In May, the Biden-Harris Administration released the first-ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. This strategy represents the most comprehensive and ambitious U.S. government effort to counter antisemitism in American history. It includes over 100 actions the Biden-Harris Administration is taking to address the rise of antisemitism in the U.S.

Tackling antisemitism at home means appreciating how this hatred is addressed around the world. It requires a common understanding of the urgency of countering this scourge with partners everywhere. It demands that we draw on ideas from successful programs beyond our shores on how best to educate the public on the realities of antisemitism; deploy law enforcement resources; build diverse coalitions against interconnected forms of hate; condemn and counter online vitriol; protect places of worship; and more.

The State Department and its Office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism are engaged in fighting antisemitism across the globe. We seek to adapt international efforts to strengthen our own national strategy.

The Index included below identifies more than 40 programs, policies, and actions from around the world that counter antisemitism. These resources encompass law enforcement and hate crime prosecutions, multi-faith and intercommunal coalition-building, combating online hate, and antisemitism education. Taking a big-picture look at these initiatives, the report identifies central themes across various cities, countries, organizations, and multilateral institutions, including:

Naming the Problem: Strategies across the board reinforce the importance of defining, calling out, and being brutally honest about antisemitism and its far-reaching impacts. Simply put, no matter the setting or situation, we need to be able to say what antisemitism is and isn’t, how it manifests in societies at home and abroad, what factors fuel its pernicious rise and insidious spread, and what it looks like in tangible terms.

Comprehending this challenge and its foundations is the first step in combating it. That begins with what the United States, 42 fellow members of the United Nations, hundreds of cities, provinces, and organizations have already done: embracing and applying the non-legally binding International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition as our baseline for how we discuss antisemitism.

Nearly every major program targeting antisemitism applies the IHRA working definition and its accompanying contemporary examples to the wide range of vectors for such hate— rhetoric on the political fringes; dog whistles and explicit statements in the political mainstream; violence and vandalism aimed at Jewish individuals and communal institutions; malign activities online; the policies, practices and public statements of governments or government officials; and others.

A shared objective across these efforts worldwide entails using this definition inclusive of its examples as a guiding tool to help raise awareness of antisemitism, make it real in people’s daily lives, and explain why the fight against it matters.

Quantifying Antisemitism: With the problem defined, the next step is assessing its prevalence and reach. Yet there is a firm recognition across leaders and activists in this space that insufficient data exists to accurately measure the extent of the spread of antisemitism. What’s more, existing information is limited by the fact that countless antisemitic incidents go unreported. To this end, various programs and approaches globally seek to establish effective mechanisms to track and disseminate specific data on antisemitic events—a crucial part of any strategy to stop them.

Identifying Effective, Diverse, and Dynamic Solutions Worldwide: By understanding and measuring contemporary manifestations of antisemitism, local, national, and multilateral leaders apply their own effective, diverse, and dynamic perspectives and policies to this issue.

Programs to counter antisemitism are found everywhere. Their ubiquity speaks to the increasing recognition of the threat posed by antisemitism to Jewish communities, as well as to the dangers it poses to democracy, stability, public safety, global norms, and the rules-based international order. The multiplicity of these programs also speaks to the way antisemitism, though a unique form of bigotry, is deeply interwoven with other forms of hate; indeed, where antisemitism festers and flourishes, prejudices of all kinds tend to follow close behind or sprout up alongside it, such as racism, anti-Muslim hate, assaults on diverse religious communities, misogyny, persecution against LGBTQI+ individuals, and so many others.

Certain characteristics and priorities show up across the various strategies to fight antisemitism employed by governments and organizations overseas. Examples include:

  • Applying the IHRA Working Definition to help people recognize what forms antisemitism can take;
  • Appointing and empowering Special Envoys or their equivalents to focus attention on the problem;
  • Dedicating funds to protect Jewish and other places of worship, community centers, and nonprofit institutions;
  • Seeking ways to foster Jewish life and highlight Jewish contributions to society;
  • Promoting education to counter antisemitism, including Holocaust denial and distortion, and conducting Holocaust remembrance programs.

Just as vital as the quantity of these efforts is their diversity. What works in the halls of an international or multilateral institution may differ significantly from what’s effective at the national or local level, whether in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America, East Asia, the Sahel, and beyond.

Among the examples of diverse initiatives include:

Each example, alongside the longer list incorporated in the balance of this report, offers insights into where officials are prioritizing the fight against antisemitism; where they are directing resources to counter it; and where we, in the United States, should consider directing our own efforts.

The wide range of programs collected in this document are broken down into key categories, for ease of navigation. The topic areas are as follows:

  1. International and Multilateral Activities
  2. City and Municipal Programs
  3. Civil Society Leadership
  4. Law Enforcement and Education Resources

Note: This [report] is a compilation of existing programs and initiatives, and inclusion of a program or other initiative in this [report] does not signify endorsement of or any views with respect to such programs or initiatives by the United States, nor is this [report] intended to be an exhaustive list of overseas initiatives to combat antisemitism.

Index of Programs

International and Multilateral Activities

Building Bridges for Combating Antisemitism Together (Bridges) 

Building Bridges for Combating Antisemitism Together brings Jewish communities, government representatives, professional networks and experts to the table to monitor, reinforce and implement the European Union strategy to combat antisemitism on different levels. Pillars include: (1) creating bridges and coalitions between key stakeholders; (2) building stronger capacity for the European Jewish communities and equipping them with tools and expertise in advocacy; and (3) conducting research, gap analyses and sharing best examples amongst community representatives, community professionals and sport authorities.

Christchurch Call to Action to Eliminate Terrorist and Violent Extremist Content Online 

Supporters of the Christchurch Call have made 25 commitments, which they promise to deliver transparently and in a way that respects and promotes human rights and a free, open, secure internet. The Call supporters work closely with civil society and partner organizations to do so. Commitments are wide ranging, covering everything from applying appropriate laws and regulation, to specific technical measures, to efforts to address the underlying drivers of terrorism. The commitments are voluntary and represent a good faith effort to achieve progress on a complex, difficult issue.

European Network on Monitoring Antisemitism (pilot in Austria, Germany, Poland) 

The project aims to establish and develop a European Network on Monitoring Antisemitism (ENMA). At the start, it will be an international consortium of Jewish and non-Jewish civil society organizations from Germany, Austria, and Poland that will collect transnationally comparable data on antisemitic incidents and crimes using database software and the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism and the IHRA Working Definition of Holocaust Denial and Distortion.

EU Plan to Counter Antisemitism 

In October 2021, the European Union (EU) published the EU Strategy on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life (2021-2030), a first-of-its-kind strategy based on three pillars:

1) preventing and combating all forms of antisemitism;

2) protecting and fostering Jewish life in the EU; and

3) education, research and Holocaust remembrance.

It is a comprehensive strategy, spanning education, culture and sport while providing anti-discrimination training for law enforcement personnel, protecting places of worship, and tackling antisemitic disinformation, hate speech and hate crime (online and offline). The emphasis is on using EU-funded targeted actions to achieve transnational solutions for antisemitism in contemporary Europe.

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)

The IHRA is an intergovernmental organization tasked solely with Holocaust-related issues. In 2016, with antisemitism on the rise, it issued a non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism that has been adopted by 37 countries, including the US. The organization’s work is guided by a network of experts comprised of representatives from each member country and Holocaust experts. The IHRA’s network is divided into Academic, Education, and Memorials and Museums working groups who design resources and issue guidance for educators and policymakers to consider when designing effective curricula and education policies. The IHRA’s guidelines are continuously updated and augmented to reflect pedagogical trends, technological advancements, and new historical findings. The educational materials is available in over 25 languages.

Malmö International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism, Remember – ReAct

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) joined world leaders, and international organizations including the Council of Europe (CoE), European Union (EU), The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FTA), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the United Nations (UN), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at the Remember – ReAct Forum in Malmö, hosted by the Government of Sweden, where attendees took concrete steps to promote Holocaust remembrance and fight Holocaust distortion and antisemitism through a series of pledges. Representatives from 50 countries were joined by social media companies, policymakers, NGOs and civil society organizations to agree on how to enhance Holocaust remembrance and education at a time when antisemitism, anti-Roma racism and other forms of discrimination are on the rise.

Networks Overcoming Antisemitism (NOA) 

Networks Overcoming Antisemitism (NOA) offers a pioneering approach to tackling the problem of rising antisemitism in Europe. With its unique partnership of major Jewish networks, it evaluates European Union Member States’ policies across areas, from education to culture and security, and helps them develop holistic national action plans to address and prevent antisemitism.

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE): Hate Crime Reporting Project

The program highlights the need to track hate crimes to better understand how to combat them. This website presents data and information submitted by OSCE participating States, civil society and international organizations about hate crime. ODIHR releases the data each year on 16 November – International Tolerance Day. Data collection is the first step in efforts to address hate crime and allows for targeted policies and customized support for victims.

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE): Turning Words into Action to Address Intolerance (WIA) Project

The Turning Words into Action to Address Intolerance (WIA) project contributed to making societies across the OSCE region equal, inclusive, cohesive and resilient, free from all forms of discrimination and marginalization. This project built on an earlier effort – Turning Words into Action to Address Anti-Semitism, implemented by Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in 2016-2019 – and WIA maintained the focus on preventing and responding to antisemitism while broadening the scope to also address other forms of intolerance and discrimination. This overarching objective was achieved through the project’s priority areas of addressing the security needs of minority communities, countering intolerance through education, and fostering coalition building among civil society organizations. The WIA project was implemented across the entire OSCE region with generous funding by the Governments of Canada, Germany and the United States as well as other participating States.

Report by the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief on Combating Antisemitism  

In the 2019 report to the UN General Assembly and follow-up action plan by the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Ahmed Shaheed, it identifies violence, discrimination, and expressions of hostility motivated by antisemitism as a serious obstacle to the enjoyment of the right to freedom of religion or belief. The report also lists several human rights-based recommendations on how nations can combat antisemitism. Such an approach includes implementing measures that foster the development of democratic societies that are resilient to extremist ideologies. The report also stresses that investments in education and training to enhance society-wide literacy regarding the different ways in which antisemitism manifests itself is critical.

Special Envoys and Coordinators Combating Antisemitism (SECCA) 

The Special Envoys and Coordinators Combating Antisemitism (SECCA) forum, a partnership between the European Commission and World Jewish Congress, comprises officials tasked with combating antisemitism in their constituency, with participants hailing from dozens of countries, as well as international organizations such as the European Commission, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). SECCA convenes two to three times annually, often using the event to secure or support major national government or international institution initiatives to combat antisemitism and foster Jewish life.

Tech Against Terrorism 

The core aim of the Tech Against Terrorism initiative is to support the tech industry in building capacity to tackle the use of the internet for terrorist purposes whilst respecting human rights. It works with all types of tech companies, such as social media, pasting, file-storage, messaging, fintech platforms, and web infrastructure providers. The core mission of its work is to provide the tech industry with the tools needed to effectively tackle terrorist activity on their platforms.  Tech Against Terrorism initially developed through a United Nations Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (UN CTED) partnership.

Toolkit Online Hate Speech Program: UNESCO

This guide aims to build literacy among Jewish professionals, lay leaders and community members at large – as well as wider allies from across civil society – to tackle antisemitism online. Recognizing the enormous capacity for positive action that the digital space offers, it aims to consolidate knowledge and provides a wide range of policy and community avenues for action.

United Nations Plan of Action on Hate Speech

The Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech sets out strategic guidance for the United Nations system to address hate speech at national and global levels. It also includes ways the United Nations Secretariat can support the work of the United Nations Resident Coordinators in addressing and countering hate speech. Its objectives are twofold: first, to enhance UN efforts to address root causes and drivers of hate speech; and second, to enable effective UN responses to the impact of hate speech on societies.

United Nations Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites

After the tragic terrorist attacks at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) released a Plan of Action on March 22, 2019, that provides an action-oriented framework with recommendations to support relevant stakeholders, including UN Member States, religious leaders, civil society organizations, the news media and social media platforms, in preventing attacks against places of worship and guaranteeing the safety of the faithful to worship in peace.
UNAOC developed the Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites, entitled “In Unity and Solidarity for Safe and Peaceful Worship,” in close consultations with governments, UN entities, religious leaders, faith-based organizations, civil society, young women and men, local communities, traditional and social media, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders.

U.S. German Dialogue on Holocaust Issues

The ongoing bilateral engagement between the United States and German governments has led to representatives of the State Department, Foreign Ministry, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the German Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe working together to produce strategies and tools that governments can deploy to improve education and training on the Holocaust, counter Holocaust denial and distortion, combat antisemitism, and ensure policymakers have a strong understanding of these issues and of their responsibility to act. This includes integrating Holocaust education into the flagship Program on Applied Security Studies at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, which is attended by senior military and civilian officials from more than 30 countries.


In its 8th year, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day campaign has galvanized public displays of Holocaust remembrance and pledges to fight antisemitism from the UN, presidents, prime ministers, parliaments, corporations, sports teams and more.

City and Municipal Programs

Bamberg, Germany

Initiative: Appointment of Municipal Antisemitism Commissioner

The city of Bamberg created the position of antisemitism commissioner, uncommon at the municipal level, albeit limited in duration (the position expires in 2024). In working closely with the Jewish community, the commissioner addresses all issues related to Jewish life, remembering the past and policy actions related to antisemitism. Among key responsibilities of the commissioner are promoting workshops for various forms of contemporary antisemitism; promoting interreligious dialogue; advancing educational programs concerning Jewish traditions and holidays; and monitoring antisemitic incidents while working closely with the city’s police and public prosecutor’s office.  This augments existing German efforts to combat antisemitism, which include the first-ever German national strategy against antisemitism and for the support of Jewish life released in November 2022, increased funding for education, and the creation of federal and state-level commissioner positions.

Berlin, Germany

Initiative: Berlin Plan to Advance Antisemitism Prevention

Berlin’s plan has a multi-dimensional approach covering five areas, including: education; the judicial system (with a special envoy to the State Attorney since 2018, a best practice mentioned by the European Commission in 2021); Jewish life in the urban culture; science and research; and prevention of discrimination. The Berlin model is based on integrative cooperation between state agencies and civil society actors. The aim is to integrally link the plan’s three central pillars of fighting antisemitism – prevention, intervention and suppression. Experts from academia, the Jewish community and civil society partners work together. In addition to the group of experts, the plan also aims to systematically network the administrative units of the Berlin state government, with a similar body at the district level, to coordinate and expand antisemitism prevention measures within each of Berlin’s twelve city districts.

Berlin, Germany

Initiative: Mobile Counseling Against Right-Wing Extremism

The Mobile Counseling Against Right-Wing Extremism program has been the point of contact for anyone interested in learning how to deal with extreme right-wing populist, racist and antisemitic situations in their private or professional lives. The advice service involves local people giving advice to other locals based on their needs, local possibilities and conditions.

Brussels, Belgium

Initiative: Action Plan Against Racism and Antisemitism

In May 2023, the Brussels City Council adopted an “Action Plan Against Racism and Antisemitism,” which is based on the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights. The plan sets out a two-year timetable after which the results of the effort will be evaluated and altered, as appropriate. The overarching objective is to train city staff and raise awareness on racism and antisemitism among the different generations of Brussels society. The plan sets out several parameters including instructing schools to pay special attention to the history of colonialism, immigration, and discrimination. The city will also advertise the plan on city-owned vehicles; adopt a code of ethics regarding racism and antisemitism to be signed by civil servants; and order the employment, housing, and policing agencies to address bigotry.

Bucharest, Romania

Initiative: “Words into Action to Address Intolerance”

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) organized a workshop for policymakers, teacher trainers, and educators across Romania in partnership with the Romanian Ministry of Education. The workshop aimed to examine effective practices, key policies, and pedagogical approaches that policymakers, teacher trainers, and educators can adopt and promote to ensure that education systems build young people’s resilience to antisemitic bias and all forms of prejudice.

Guelph, Canada

Initiative: Community Plan

The Community Plan guides the work of Guelph’s municipal government and gives community organizations and residents a road map to monitor progress and share what is learned. The Community Plan has three key components: “Listening” to communities and stakeholders, “Strategic Plan Scan,” and “Research and Trends.” The “Research and Trends” resulted in the creation of the “Village of 100 People Data Project” that helps the city understand the dynamics of minority communities better so the municipality can more effectively respond to the challenges those communities face.

Hamilton, Canada

Initiative: Hate Prevention and Mitigation Initiative

The initiative culminated in the adoption of 18 recommendations, categorized into four groupings: Proactive Leadership, Centering Communities, Education and Early Intervention, and Regulations and Enforcement. These recommendations led the local government to work directly with the District School Boards to offer proactive education to school-age children and a public relations campaign to educate residents about the prevalence of intolerance.

Malmö, Sweden

Initiative: Amanah

The organization stemmed from the personal relationship between the leader of the Malmö Jewish community, Rabbi Moshe David HaCohen, and the leader of the Malmö Muslim community, Imam Salahuddin Barakat. From their interfaith dialogues and their personal friendship, they formed this organization, which serves as an official collaboration between the two communities, with the support of the municipal government. Amanah acts as a vessel for interfaith dialogue and collaboration, and offers educational seminars at local schools, universities, libraries, and elsewhere in the public sphere. Additionally, the group interacts with and seeks to educate local elected officials and bureaucrats about the plights of both communities, among other activities

Mayors Summit, Europe

The Mayors Summit brings together local government leaders to combat antisemitism. Local authorities play a key role in implementing anti-discrimination policies and making cities safe and welcome to all dwellers, without distinction. In relation to minority communities, this implies specific efforts to address racism, discrimination and hate crimes members of minority communities are at risk of, as well as efforts to promote equality and cultural diversity. This summit also creates working groups to help address the complex demands placed on municipalities in dealing with antisemitism.

Ontario, Canada

Initiative: Province’s Plan to Fight Racism, Hate, and Prejudice in the Classroom

As part of the province’s plan to fight racism, hate, and prejudice in the classroom, the Ontario government is allocating almost $300,000 from its “Safe Return to Class” fund to produce two summer learning programs. The first program, “Unpacking Intolerance: Equity and Diversity Training for Educators,” provides professional development sessions that help educators learn about dismantling systems of antisemitism. The second program, “Tour for Humanity Virtual Summer Camp,”’ helps students learn about human rights, and how to deal with injustice and encourages ideas for creating positive change.

State of Lower Saxony, Germany 

Initiative: Net Olam

The program is dedicated to creating an overview of attacks on Jewish cemeteries from the Weimar era to the present day, with a focus on the federal state of Lower Saxony. The true extent of cemetery desecrations throughout Germany is being assessed for the first time using a comprehensive data collection, with a focus on the years after 1945. This information will build a foundation for further research as well as help develop recommendations for interventions and concrete strategies for protecting endangered objects (i.e. tombstones, cemetery fences and buildings).

Strong Cities Network, Global

Strong Cities is a global initiative that aims to assist cities in developing or strengthening mandates and programs to prevent and respond to hatred, violent extremism, and polarization by leveraging the diversity of local services, interests, networks, and skills. Strong Cities supports mayors and local authorities through a variety of modalities designed to build meaningful connections between cities, facilitate peer learning and exchanges, and equip cities with the tools they require not only to address a complex and evolving threat environment, but also to build strong, socially-cohesive, and resilient cities.

Stuttgart, Germany

Initiative: The Otto Hirsch Award

This program was established in 1985 on the occasion of the 100th birthday of the Ministerial Councilor and Jewish Nazi victim Otto Hirsch. It is awarded annually by the City of Stuttgart together with both the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation Stuttgart and the Jewish Religious Community to citizens who have rendered outstanding services to Christian-Jewish cooperation.

Toronto, Canada

Initiative: This Toronto for All Campaign

The city of Toronto launched the program in response to antisemitism being the most reported category of hate crimes. The city paid for three educational posters shining a light on the realities of antisemitism to be placed around the city. All three included images of old newspapers with headlines about antisemitism. Each contained the tagline “Antisemitism only seems like old news. This happened in 2021.” They also included a call for action – “Stop antisemitism now” – and a scannable QR code with educational resources. The campaign seeks to raise public awareness of the prevalence of antisemitism in Toronto, and encourage residents to “Become Educated, Support Victims, Report Hate Crimes, [and] Create Inclusive Spaces.”

Wrocław, Poland

Initiative: The Wrocław Teacher Training Centre (WTTC)

The Wroclaw Teacher Training Centre Report 

The project is aimed at students of primary and secondary schools in Wrocław. Its goal is to shape the attitude of tolerance and respect for other religions, nations and beliefs and, at the same time, to make people proud of their history. The project includes educational activities focused on building everyday school life based on mutual respect. The main goal of the project is to influence children, youth and adults in a way that will be conducive to shaping the attitudes of open and empathetic people caring for others.

Civil Society Leadership

Bayt Dakira (Morocco) 

Religious tolerance is a hallmark of Morocco’s history — from its welcoming of refugees fleeing the Iberian Peninsula at the end of the 15th century to late King Mohammed V’s efforts to protect Jews during World War II. Bayt Dakira is a Jewish heritage and cultural space built in Essaouira. The goal of the space is to help preserve Morocco’s ancient Jewish heritage by revitalizing a historic synagogue, signifying the country’s goodwill toward its Jewish population. The site serves as a symbol of Morocco’s commitment to multiculturalism and the preservation of its rich Jewish heritage.

EVZ: Erinnerung Verantwortung Zukunft (Germany)

The EVZ foundation’s mission is to preserve the memory of Nationalist Socialist persecution and to work for human rights and international understanding. As part of its mission, the EVZ foundation has launched specific programs to combat antisemitism which operate primarily in Germany, Central and Eastern Europe, and Israel. These programs engage digital media, local governments, professional groups, and structural approaches to combating antisemitism. In its remembrance work, EVZ works toward a society in which “Jewish life is natural, lived and visible.”

Leimena Institute (Indonesia)

The Leimena Institute is an Indonesian nonprofit founded in 2005 and is based on the fundamental values of tolerance and respect for cultural and religious diversity. It provides significant programing to achieve those aims and enrich Indonesian society. It offers a variety of interfaith seminars and activities that are inclusive of all religions and stress Abrahamic unity and reconciliation between Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Recently, the institute partnered with AJC in order to provide classes with an emphasis on Jewish religion and interfaith dialogue; those classes have been well received.

The Abrahamic Family House (Abu Dhabi) 

The Abrahamic Family House is a project aimed at encouraging interfaith dialogue. The building was built in Abu Dhabi and completed in 2022. The idea for the project was based on the Document on Human Fraternity that was signed by both Pope Francis and Ahmed al-Tayeb of the al-Azhar Mosque. As a result, interfaith dialogue exists at the core project and the house has representation from the three Abrahamic religions and contains within it a church, a mosque, and a synagogue. Its design is an architectural feat and showcases the three religions with equal prominence. The house provides multiple public religious services as well as a variety of educational programs centered around cooperation between the Abrahamic faiths.

The Manara Center (UAE) 

In March 2023, the UAE announced the establishment of the Manara Regional Center for Coexistence in conjunction with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The goal of the organization is to implement key educational programming and forge relationships with universities across the Middle East and Southeast Asia. The initiative was born out of substantial cooperation between the Emirati Government and the ADL to promote religious tolerance among youth in the region. Some of the initiatives the Manara Center hopes to accomplish include developing educational materials that emphasize fostering acceptance, facilitating student exchanges between different universities in the region, and creating research reports about the state of education in the region with robust data and subsequent guidance.

The Mimouna Association (Morocco) 

The Mimouna Association is a non-profit based in Morocco that seeks to expand awareness among Moroccan youth regarding the rich Jewish cultural history that has existed in the country for thousands of years. Mimouna was created by a group of young Muslim students that aspired to promote and preserve Moroccan Jewish heritage. The bulk of Mimouna’s operations are centered around educational programs that elevate interfaith dialogue and encourage cultural pluralism in Morocco. Mimouna events primarily consist of educational or cultural seminars that engage members of the Moroccan youth. In order to encourage interfaith work, Mimouna partners with a variety of organizations, both international Jewish organizations and outlets affiliated with the Moroccan government, in order to foster productive dialogue. Since its founding in 2007, Mimouna has facilitated hundreds of events aimed at preserving Moroccan-Jewish heritage and fostering interfaith dialogue.

Law Enforcement and Education Resources

Community Security Trust (United Kingdom) 

Community Security Trust (CST) is a charity that strives to protect British Jews from antisemitism and related threats. CST received charitable status in 1994 and is recognized by police and government as a unique model of best practice. CST provides security advice and training for Jewish communal organizations, schools and synagogues. CST secures over 650 Jewish communal buildings and approximately 1,000 communal events every year.

Declaration of Intent on Combatting Anti-Semitism in Football (Italy) 

Through a collaboration between the Italian Government, the Italian Football Federation, and the Italian-Jewish community, a declaration was issued which aims to deal with antisemitism in the domestic Italian football league. The Declaration states its support for the IHRA definition and calls for specific actions to be carried out to prevent antisemitism in football. The Declaration recommends myriad policies aimed at preventing antisemitism such as banning Nazi symbols and chants at football games and extending punishments to cover off the field incidents relating to football organizations.

Kick It Out (United Kingdom)

Driven by the popularity of sports globally, Kick It Out fights discrimination and strives to make sure football is a game for everyone – and that means putting equality and inclusion up front. Established to fight racism in football, it expanded to tackle all forms of discrimination.  The program raises awareness, confronts issues of discrimination and helps improve the sport. Today, it runs education programs for academy players, parents and fans. It supports people from under-represented and minority communities to pursue a career in football and thrive. The program and its members call out discrimination wherever it happens – from local parks to the Premier League to social media.

Online Course HELP Course for Prosecution of Hate Crimes European Union Commission (Europe)

This free on-line course is primarily addressed to legal professionals (judges, prosecutors, lawyers or court staff). It can also be used by other public authorities, including national human rights institutions, as well as civil society organizations, university students and others. The course is aimed at assisting legal professionals throughout Europe to understand hate crime and hate speech and deal with them in their daily work. The topics are explored in a practical way, by using presentations, interactive screens, knowledge tests and reflective exercises.

Stand Up! (United Kingdom)

Stand Up! is an interfaith program led by Maccabi GB and Community Security Trust. Dynamic facilitators from Jewish and Muslim backgrounds model a partnership of collaboration, demonstrating how groups often perceived as oppositional can work together successfully. Through debunking myths and challenging stereotypes about the communities, young people’s critical thinking skills are developed. This enables them to identify and counter discrimination safely and responsibly.

Teaching Materials to Challenge anti-Semitism OSCE (Europe) 

Education programs are an integral part of the OSCE’s efforts in conflict prevention and post-conflict rehabilitation. Respect for human rights is an agreed commitment, important for all communities throughout the OSCE. To that end, the OSCE has created a database of teaching materials to combat antisemitism. It includes guides, manuals, handbooks, brochures and other resources that can be used by educators to address antisemitism in society today. The resources come in several languages and formats.

Training Against Hate Crimes for Law Enforcement (TAHCLE) (Europe) 

Training against Hate Crimes for Law Enforcement (TAHCLE) was a program designed to improve police skills in recognizing, understanding and investigating hate crimes. Implementation of the program aimed at improving police skills in preventing and responding to hate crimes, interacting effectively with victim communities and building public confidence and co-operation with law-enforcement agencies. TAHCLE was designed and implemented by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future