Sample Application Introductory Language

This letter is in regard to the immunity from judicial seizure available under 22 U.S.C. § 2459, the immunity from judicial seizure statute. I write in connection with objects coming into the United States from abroad for the cultural [exhibition, assembly, activity, or festival] entitled __________________________.

I hereby request that the U.S. Department of State determine that the objects presented herein are of cultural significance and that their temporary [include all that apply: storage, conservation, scientific research, exhibition, or display] in the United States is in the national interest, and further request that there be publication in the Federal Register of such determinations prior to the objects’ importation, which is expected to take place on or about _______________________. I understand that, as is reflected in the Application Checklist, the Department must assess the objects presented herein to fall within the meaning of the statute as part of its review process for considering determinations.

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future