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  • This Fact Sheet is intended to provide general information. For more information, contact A/OPR/OS ( / +1-202-261-8200) or the school directly.

    The Regional Education Officer for this post is Robin Heslip.

Logo for Santa Cruz Cooperative School

The Santa Cruz Cooperative School is a private, coeducational day school, which offers an educational program from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 for students of all nationalities. The school was founded in 1959 and officially formed into a cooperative of parents in 1971. The school year comprises two semesters extending from the beginning of August to mid-December and from mid-January to the beginning of June. The school has maintained accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools since 1987, the Bolivian Ministry of Education since 1960, is a member of the American International Schools in the Americas (AMISA) and has been re-accredited by COGNIA in June 2023.

Organization: The school is governed by a 11-member board of directors elected for two-year terms by the members of the cooperative, who are the sponsors of the school. Upon payment of the required cooperative entrance fee, membership in the cooperative is conferred on the parents or guardians of children enrolled in the school. The school is not incorporated in the United States nor is it tax-exempt in Bolivia.

Curriculum: The curriculum is that of a U.S. college-preparatory program accredited by COGNIA along with additional courses for students to meet the requirements of the Bolivian Bachillerato. Spanish is required for all students in grades PreK-12. This year PreK & Kinder have begun full day programs. Preschool and kindergarten students may be enrolled without having a command of the English language; however, all grades are taught in English and require grade-level proficiency in English. Advanced Placement courses are offered and include computer science, biology, calculus, statistics, Spanish language and literature, psychology, world history, U.S. history, and English language & literature. Electives offered include human rights studies, art, band, drama, music, debate, accounting, environmental awareness, teaching aide program, online studies, health and nutrition, programming, yearbook, and the self-guided enrichment program (support through Edmentum Courseware). Extracurricular activities include student council; Model UN; honor societies (NHS, NJHS); community service groups such as Techo, Helping Hands, Operation Smile, Programa manitos, Apoyo Animal, and; art; music; theater; dance; environmental awareness; and sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, track and field, and cheerleading.

Faculty: In the 2023-2024 school year, SCCS has 140 total staff including 85 teachers, 19 of whom are U.S. citizens, 58 host-country nationals, and 8 third-country nationals. Our faculty represent 11 different or mixed nationalities: US, England, Germany, Spain, Argentina, Honduras, Brazil, Egypt, Korea, Philippine and Bolivia. All teaching faculty maintain a teaching certificate/credential and/or a master’s degree in education (from an American Institution). Forty percent of teachers have a master’s degree, and eight percent of the faculty a Ph.D.

Enrollment: Student enrollment at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year was 696. Of the total, 99 were U.S. citizens, 567 were host-country nationals, and 30 were children of other nationalities.

Facilities: The school is situated on an eight-acre campus in a suburban area. The physical plant consists of an elementary school, a secondary school, covered patio areas, a modern library with computers, a gymnasium, four science labs, a cafeteria, a performing arts center, and four computer laboratories. The school has an outstanding cafeteria service and a medical doctor on campus during the daytime for emergencies. A new modern wing was inaugurated in August of 2017 and houses administrative offices, classrooms, computer labs, and a science lab. In August 2018, an addition to the cafeteria was completed along with a secondary art room. In 2022, SCCS completed & inaugurated a state-of-the-art multi-use theater & performing arts space, which seats 840 people and houses the fine arts department, internal & external programing, and instructional spaces. For the 2022-2023 school year, the school also added a Secondary Counseling Center, a Professional Learning Center, and a primary STEAM lab. For the 2023-2024 school year, the school is implementing director of Technology and innovation.

Finances: Contact the school directly for tuition information.

Special Needs: Download the Special Needs Profile for this school to learn more about their capability to support students with exceptionalities.

This Fact Sheet is intended to provide general information. Prospective users of the schools may wish to inquire further of A/OPR/OS or contact the school directly for more specific and up-to-the-minute information. Information and statistics are current as of September 2023 and provided by the school.

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