The following is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price:

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met today with Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) President Rashad al-Alimi in New York and affirmed strong U.S. support for the PLC and President al-Alimi’s leadership. Secretary Blinken and President al-Alimi discussed the urgency of extending and expanding the UN-mediated truce by October 2. The Secretary commended the Republic of Yemen Government on its leadership on the truce to date, which has brought much needed calm and hope while improving the lives of millions of Yemenis across the country. The Secretary and President al-Alimi affirmed their support for additional steps under the truce, including opening roads in Taiz and other areas, expanding commercial flights from Sana’a airport, and ensuring salary payments to tens of thousands of teachers, nurses, and other civil servants who have for years worked without pay. They expressed their hope that the Houthis will also support such important steps to bring relief to Yemenis. Secretary Blinken noted the truce remains the best opportunity through which to reach a nationwide, permanent ceasefire and the launch of an inclusive, comprehensive political process under UN auspices that includes Yemenis’ calls for justice, accountability, and redress for human rights violations and abuses. He commended Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking’s continued work with the PLC and other partners in the region to extend and expand it.

U.S. Department of State

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