Cherrie DanielsMy tenure as Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues is drawing to a close; I will soon begin preparations for my next assignment. It’s been the privilege of a lifetime to serve, to honor the memory, & seek a measure of justice for the millions murdered in the Holocaust & under Nazi persecution.

Among the greatest challenges that remain: securing a measure of justice via compensation or restitution for wrongly confiscated property (The JUST Act Report); promoting historically accurate education + remembrance; & confronting Holocaust distortion and minimization.

As Secretary Blinken said 6/24 in Berlin: “…the Shoah was not a sharp fall but a gradual descent into darkness.” He later said, “For just as descent is incremental, so is the work of building up principles & practices that can make real the promise of ‘Never Again.'” It’s up to us!





U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future