TransCanada Corporation and TransCanada Pipelines Limited, companies engaged in energy infrastructure, have filed claims under the ICSID Rules for alleged injuries arising out of the November 6, 2015 denial of the Presidential Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. TransCanada seeks more than $15 billion in damages for alleged violations of NAFTA Articles 1102 (National Treatment), 1103 (Most-Favored-Nation Treatment), 1105 (Minimum Standard of Treatment) and 1110 (Expropriation and Compensation). On March 24, 2017, following a joint request by the disputing parties, ICSID issued an order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceedings.

03/24/17  Order of the Secretary-General Taking Note of the Discontinuance of the Proceeding
03/23/17  Joint Request for Order Taking Note of Discontinuance of the Proceeding 
06/24/16  Notice of Arbitration 

U.S. Department of State

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