Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland and Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Jose Fernández will travel to Brasilia for the U.S.-Brazil High-Level Dialogue on April 25.  Under Secretary Nuland and Under Secretary Fernández will co-chair the Dialogue with their counterparts from Brazil’s Ministry of External Relations.  Their discussions will deepen our countries’ efforts to strengthen democratic governance, racial justice, and respect for human rights in the hemisphere; expand regional economic prosperity by fostering increased trade and investment; protect the environment and mitigate the effects of climate change; advance COVID-19 recovery to build back better health resilience; and reinforce security and defense cooperation to promote peace and the rule of law.

Under Secretary Nuland will also meet with the next generation of innovative Brazilian entrepreneurs and leaders in science and technology during her visit to learn about their contributions to Brazil’s social, scientific, and economic future.

Under Secretary Fernández will also discuss supply chain resilience with private sector representatives, and economic and health priorities with high-level Brazilian government officials.  Under Secretary Fernandez will then travel to São Paulo on April 27 to discuss supply chain challenges in sectors such as clean energy and health, as well as opportunities to advance diversity and women’s economic empowerment.

Other senior members of the delegation include Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Ricardo Zúniga, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Mark Wells, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Transformation Anna Shpitsberg.

For press inquiries, contact WHA_Press@state.gov.

U.S. Department of State

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