Thank you, President Macron. And thank you, Commissioner General Lazzarini and President Spoljaric for your efforts and for the courage of your committed staff who continue their lifesaving work despite the perilous operating environment. We mourn the deaths of your colleagues, all humanitarians, and every Palestinian and Israeli civilian life lost since Hamas unleashed its campaign of terror on October 7 – terror that has created vast suffering and immense humanitarian needs.

Let me assure you, the United States remains steadfastly committed to ensuring civilians are protected in this conflict; to substantially expanding humanitarian assistance to Palestinians, to evacuating foreign nationals and their families trapped in Gaza, and to getting every hostage home.

Our diplomatic efforts, in partnership with Israel, Egypt, and many of you here, have been intensive and relentless. Within four days of Hamas’s attacks, Secretary Blinken traveled to Tel Aviv – the first of several visits throughout the region. He returned last week to advocate for humanitarian pauses that could facilitate an assistance surge while preventing aid diversion by Hamas, allow civilians to seek greater safety, promote the restoration of water infrastructure and other essential services, and enable progress for the unconditional release of hostages. He underscored that while we support Israel’s right to defend itself, Israel’s conduct matters. Israel must uphold international humanitarian law and take every possible precaution to prevent civilian casualties.

On October 18, President Biden traveled to Israel, announcing $100 million in new U.S. humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people. This brings the total U.S. support to $476 million this year alone and over one billion dollars since 2021. The President also secured breakthrough commitments that enabled humanitarian aid to begin flowing from Egypt into Gaza and foreign nationals – including those of many nations represented here today – to begin returning home.

The President’s Special Envoy for Middle East Humanitarian Issues, Ambassador David Satterfield, leads our diplomatic efforts on the ground to advance these shared objectives. Three weeks since his arrival, we have gone from zero to 650 trucks delivering urgently needed aid – much of it donated by those here today – from the El Arish humanitarian hub in Egypt through the Rafah crossing. Ambassador Satterfield, in close coordination with the UN, Israel, and Egypt, and other regional partners, is advocating for a reliable fuel supply for hospitals and water treatment and desalination plants. He is working tirelessly with our Israeli and Egyptian partners to support safe passage of foreign nationals and their families from Gaza, while reflecting our unwavering opposition to the forced external displacement of Palestinians from their homes.

And we are working tirelessly to meet critical needs on a large scale, including an effort that I’m proud to share today – the first shipment of nearly 200 metric tons of U.S. high energy biscuits to Rafah crossing that will help meet nutritional needs for up to 74,000 Gazans.

We recognize that the current inflow of humanitarian aid is not nearly enough, and we know we cannot do it alone. The UN issued a revised appeal for $1.2 billion to assist 2.7 million people in Gaza and the West Bank through the end of the year. We commend all those nations joining us in making additional commitments today, and well as the EU, Japan, and others who announced new pledges in recent days. We urge all donor governments to coordinate closely and continuously with Israeli and Egyptian counterparts, and to immediately provide cash funding to UN agencies, including UNRWA and the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, to help meet their needs. Pledges are not enough. What the civilians suffering from this conflict need is our financial contributions. Now.

U.S. Department of State

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