Vitel’Homme Innocent Reward Poster [360 KB] (English)
Vitel’Homme Innocent Reward Poster [360 KB] (French)
Vitel’Homme Innocent Reward Poster [359 KB] (Creole)
Vitel’Homme Innocent Reward Poster [362 KB] (Spanish)

For more information please see U.S. Department of State Announces Reward Offers for Information Leading to the Arrests and/or Convictions of Three Haitian Gang Leaders


NAME: Vitel’Homme Innocent
DOB:  March 27, 1986
POB:  Haiti
HEIGHT: Unknown
WEIGHT: Unknown

VItel’homme Innocent was a senior leader of the Kraze Barye Gang located in Torcelle, Delmas, and Tabarre, Haiti. Beginning in at least July 2021, Vitel’homme formed an agreement with the senior leader of the 400 Mawozo gang, Joly Germine, to have their respective gangs work cooperatively in the Croix-des-Bouquets area. Vitel’homme and Germine allegedly agreed to share profits regarding crimes committed together by their gangs. Vitel’homme was in regular contact with Germine by cellular phone.

Vitel’homme was identified as one of the leaders who was allegedly engaged in a conspiracy to execute the October 16, 2021, kidnapping of 16 U.S. Christian missionaries and one Canadian missionary and hold them for ransom. At the time of their abduction, the victims were traveling by bus on a public road through Croix-des-Bouquets. The kidnapping victims of the missionary group included 12 adults aged 18-48, along with five children. During the kidnapping of the missionaries, Vitel’homme allegedly assisted the 400 Mawozo gang by providing weapons, making ransom demands, and serving as a bodyguard for the leader of 400 Mawozo in Croix-des-Bouquets.

In July 2022, Vitel’homme was indicted for 16 counts of Hostage Taking (one for each U.S. citizen victim) and one count of Conspiracy to Commit Hostage taking, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1203(a) and 2.

On October 7, 2022, armed members of Vitel’homme’s gang kidnapped two elderly U.S. citizens residing in Torcelle, Haiti upon his orders. The perpetrators stormed the residence of the victims, killing the elderly female victim after forcing entry into their home. The second victim was taken into captivity and held hostage for over 20 days until he was released following ransom payments made to the gang.

The U.S. Department of State is offering a REWARD INCREASE OF UP TO $2 MILLION for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Vitel’homme Innocent.

If you have information, please contact the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation online at Tips.fbi.gov. If you are located outside of the United States, you may also visit the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. If in the United States, you can also contact the local FBI office in your city.


Government officials and employees are not eligible for rewards.

U.S. Department of State

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