WHA Defending Freedom

Defending Freedom

Working alongside partner nations as well as regional leaders of the Organization of American States (OAS), we defend freedom, democracy and human rights and seek to end corruption throughout the hemisphere.  In places where civil society and journalists face death and danger, we support them and the right to a free and fair press, because defending freedom also means defending basic human rights. Much of the hemisphere has a shared, fundamental respect for democracy and democratic institutions thanks to the Inter-American Democratic Charter .  We work in partnership with the OAS and other international bodies or fora to address common hemispheric challenges.  We also support the citizens of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, who work to restore democracy in their countries.

The Organization of American States
  • As a member of the OAS, the United States is committed to strengthening and working with the organization to:
    • strengthen peace and security;
    • promote the effective exercise of representative democracy and respect for human rights;
    • ensure the peaceful settlement of disputes among members;
    • provide for common action in the event of aggression;
    • seek solutions to political, juridical, and economic problems that may arise; and,
    • promote, by cooperative action, economic, social, educational, scientific, and cultural development

Maduro and his corrupt regime have robbed the country of its wealth.  They jail opposition activists. Their mismanagement has collapsed the economy. A humanitarian crisis is underway that destabilizes the region. Millions are fleeing the country and millions more lack access to food and medicine.


Cuba continues to detain political prisoners, violate basic human rights, and restrict the economic and political freedoms citizens deserve. Learn more about how the United States is helping Cubans restore their democracy.


The Ortega-Murillo regime’s continued use of violence, repressive tactics, and corruption have hurt the Nicaraguan economy and people.  The United States calls for the peaceful restoration of democracy and the rule of law in Nicaragua, which are foundational to long-term economic stability.  Releases Pertaining to Nicaragua

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future