2023 Professional Associates Program for Appointment Eligible Family Members

  • The 2023 Professional Associates Program application window is now closed.

Program Background

The regular Foreign Service assignments process invariably leaves some overseas positions without sufficient qualified Foreign Service bidders. These positions are designated Hard-To-Fill (HTF) and are open to Appointment Eligible Family Members (AEFMs) and to Department of State Civil Service employees for a limited time. Positions are usually announced in the spring by cable. AEFMs may only apply for positions at the posts listed if their sponsoring employee is currently assigned there.

Foreign Service direct-hire employees can continue to bid on these positions and receive priority. Qualified AEFMs are given preference over equally qualified Civil Service employees. Among AEFMs, those with Veterans’ preference will be given priority.

Note: The Professional Associates Program is different from the Expanded Professional Associates Program (EPAP). For more information, go to the EPAP webpage.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible for the Professional Associates (PA) program, applicants must be the AEFM (defined in 3 FAM 7120) of a direct hire government employee from any agency under Chief of Mission authority assigned to a full time position at an overseas post. Members of Household (MOH) and family members of contractors are not eligible.

Professional Associates Program Selection Process

Global Talent Management/Career Development Administration (GTM/CDA) convenes Qualifications Evaluation Panels (QEP) that review applications from AEFMs and from Civil Service employees for relevant experience and skills, including foreign language proficiency if the position requires. AEFMs without supervisory experience will not be considered for positions with supervisory responsibilities. A representative from the Global Community Liaison Office (GCLO) participates in the QEP as a non-voting member.

At the close of the open application period, a panel will review applications for relevant experience and basic skills. Following the qualification review process, AEFMs who are certified as qualified by the QEP will be notified by the PA Coordinator and results will be forwarded to the respective bureau executive offices. Qualified AEFMs should contact the bureau Executive Officer directly to express their interest and to discuss their qualifications. Interested applicants must meet the additional minimum qualifications. Bureaus make the final candidate selection decisions.

Note: Eligibility Requirement for Information Resource Management Positions

  • AEFMs should have specialized experience working with computers, upgrading, repairing, replacing hardware and software components; or working with network devices, switches and routers; or performing Sys-Admin functions such as mail server maintenance; adding, deleting and assigning users to roles and providing direct assistance to customers, patch management and server maintenance; configuring or administering virtual network environment; the cloud; telecommunications or voice communications; information security; or Program Management for IT projects or Data Analytics experience. Interested AEFMs may request the additional information from HTFProfAssoc@state.gov.

How To Apply

Application packages must include:

  1. An updated federal resume or curriculum vitae. Consistent with the federal application process, Professional Associate applicants must clearly demonstrate that they meet or exceed Professional Associate requirements. GTM’s Global Community Liaison Office (GTM/GCLO) Global Employment Advisors (GEA) can assist AEFMs with developing a federal resume. View the GEA contact list and learn more about GCLO’s Global Employment Initiative (GEI).
  2. Form DS-174 Department of State Application for Employment as a Locally Employed Staff or Family Member. The form can be found on the internet or in myData if applicant has access to OpenNet.  Be sure to include all relevant work experience you wish to be considered. Use additional pages, if necessary. List HTF 2023 for the vacancy announcement number.
  3. Evidence of relevant training, education, and/or experience for the position.
  4. A signed and dated cover memorandum with the following language:
    • “I am applying for position X (include POST/TITLE/POSITION NUMBER/GRADE/SKILL CODE/LANGUAGE/AVAILABILITY). My sponsoring employee, (name), is assigned to (post) until (month/year).”
  5. A copy of the sponsoring employee’s assignment cable/notification or approved form OF- 126 signed by an Authorizing Official in GTM/EX/IDSD listing the applicant by name as a dependent, the sponsoring agency, and current or upcoming post of assignment.
  6. Employee evaluation reports from previous federal employment.
  7. If applying for an International Relations Officer, General (IROG), Political Officer (POL), Economic Officer (ECON), or Public Diplomacy (PD) position, please provide a writing sample, which can be a recent memorandum or report. Please ensure that the sample is unclassified.

The application package should be scanned and sent electronically to HTFProfAssoc@state.gov. Please ensure that all documents are provided in a single email, each as a separate attachment. Do not submit documentation in multiple emails. All attachments should be labeled accordingly (e.g., application attachment should be labeled “LAST NAME – Application” or “LAST NAME – Form DS-174”).

Length of Tours

Length of tour will be tied to the original tour length of the sponsoring employee. Should the sponsor extend, there is no guarantee that an AEFM will retain employment as there may be a FS employee who has been assigned to the position.

Guidelines for Applicants

Professional Associates are appointed using the Family Member Appointment (FMA) mechanism in most cases. Salary, including grade and step, is determined by the respective Bureau’s Human Resources Specialist consistent with the Department’s EFM qualification and pay setting standards (see 3 FAM 8200). Qualification and pay setting standards for EFMs differ from the standards used to determine FS salaries and may result in a salary determination that varies from the salary advertised to FSOs. Professional Associates hired under a FMA will receive Overseas Foreign Service Comparability pay and will accrue leave at a rate based on their length of service.  Professional Associates on a FMA are eligible for Thrift Savings Plan, FEGLI, FEHB, and FERS. They may also be eligible to receive Non-Competitive Eligibility after 52 weeks of government service, per Executive Order 12721. GCLO’s Non-Competitive Eligibility (NCE) webpage contains information about Executive Order 12721 eligibility, regulations and FAQs.

There is no mechanism for the conversion of a Professional Associate to career FS. AEFMs selected for a position will not be able to convert to the career Foreign Service at the end of a tour.

Security Clearances

Selected AEFMs are required to obtain the appropriate security clearances for the position of assignment prior to onboarding into the position.


If required, Foreign Service Institute training, including language, may be provided.

Cautionary Notes

The FS positions in this notice remain open to eligible FS bidders until the date the assignment can be finalized. However, once an offer has been extended and accepted by an AEFM, the assignment will be considered finalized. AEFMs are not eligible for mid-level Consular Officer positions.

Factors Which Affect Onboarding

A variety of factors may delay the hiring of a family member (e.g., security clearance, nepotism review, training, or other process delays). Family members should understand that there is no specific timeframe for obtaining a security clearance which will affect a candidate’s start date for employment.

Further Information

AEFMs may contact the bureau executive office contacts below for capsule position descriptions:

Please send queries to GTM-CDA-PDU-OCSA@STATE.GOV if you have any questions.

List of Summer 2023 Available Positions

Positions by region:

Africa (AF)

*Indicates service need differential (SND) posts.

Language Legends: AD-Arabic (Modern Standard); FR-French; PY-Portuguese; QB-Spanish-

Post Title Position Number Grade Skill Code Language Available
*ABIDJAN Political Officer 10012012 03 5505 FR 3/3 May-23
ADDIS ABABA IMTS-T 57047000 03 2882 None May-23
ADDIS ABABA POL/ECON OMS 14137001 04 9017 None Aug-23
ADDIS ABABA Int Relations Off 10813059 03 6090 None May-23
ADDIS ABABA DCM OMS 00180000 04 9017 None Oct-23
ADDIS ABABA A-GSO 52182014 03 2301 None Jun-23
*ANTANANARIVO DCM OMS 00021004 05 9017 None Sep-23
*ASMARA Public Affairs Off 60016100 03 4400 None Jun-23
*ASMARA Consular Officer 30133009 03 3001 None May-23
*BAMAKO Economic Officer 20110002 03 5015 FR 3/3 Oct-23
*BRAZZAVILLE Political Officer 14162002 03 5505 FR 3/3 Jul-24
*CONAKRY DCM OMS 00035003 05 9017 FR 0/0 Mar-23
*CONAKRY Information Mgt Off 55020004 03 2880 FR 0/0 Oct-23
*CONAKRY Political Officer 10037002 03 5505 FR 3/3 Jan-23
*COTONOU Public Affairs Off 60022000 03 4400 FR 3/3 Jun-23
DAKAR Human Resources Off 57070001 02 2201 FR 2/2 May-23
*DJIBOUTI Pol-Econ Off 20176015 02 6050 FR 3/3 Jul-24
*FREETOWN Management Off 50100020 03 2010 None Jul-23
KAMPALA Consular Officer 30133012 03 3001 None Mar-23
KAMPALA Public Diplomacy Off 60112001 02 4400 None Jul-23
*KHARTOUM GSO 52108023 02 2301 None Sep-23
*KINSHASA Political Officer 10042846 01 5505 FR 3/3 Sep-24
*KINSHASA Economic Officer 20261000 03 5015 FR 3/3 Aug-23
*KINSHASA GSO 51269000 03 2301 FR 2/2 May-23
*KINSHASA Political Officer 10328001 02 5505 FR 3/3 Aug-24
*KINSHASA Political Officer 10070002 03 5505 FR 3/3 Apr-24
*KINSHASA Public Diplomacy Off 60020002 03 4400 FR 3/3 Jun-22
*KINSHASA Consular Officer 30011016 03 3001 FR 3/3 Jun-24
*KINSHASA POL OMS 10088004 05 9017 FR 2/2 Mar-23
LIBREVILLE Political Officer 10105001 03 5505 FR 3/3 Aug-24
*LILONGWE DCM OMS 00001901 05 9017 None Sep-22
*LILONGWE Econ-Commercial Off 20002003 03 5015 None Aug-23
*LUANDA Pol-Econ Off 10004011 03 6050 PY 3/3 May-24
*LUANDA Economic Officer 10003011 02 5015 PY 3/3 Oct-24
*MALABO Pol-Econ Off 10037003 03 5505 QB 3/3 May-24
*MALABO Pol-Econ Off 14181022 04 6050 QB 3/3 Sep-23
MAPUTO Financial Mgt Off 53387002 02 2101 PY 3/3 Oct-24
*MONROVIA Justice Sector Prog Off 10071003 02 6070 None Jul-23
*MONROVIA GSO 52240001 02 2301 None Mar-23
NAIROBI General Services Off 52102002 03 2301 None Aug-23
NAIROBI POL OMS 10016001 04 9017 None Aug-23
*NIAMEY General Services Off 51020000 03 2301 FR 3/3 May-23
*NOUAKCHOTT OMS 00002090 05 9017 FR 2/2; AD 2/2 Jun-24
*OUAGADOUGOU Public Affairs Off 60005000 02 4400 FR 3/3 May 23
*OUAGADOUGOU Pol Officer 14009005 03 5505 FR 3/3 Aug-23
*OUAGADOUGOU IMS 55018009 04 2880 FR 0/0 Apr-24
*OUAGADOUGOU GSO 52018005 03 2301 FR 2/2 Aug-24
PORT LOUIS DCM OMS 00019013 05 9017 None Apr-23
PRETORIA Int Relations Off 14180030 01 6080 None May-23
PRETORIA ECON OMS 20039000 04 9017 None Feb-23
PRETORIA Inf Mgt Specialist 55149002 04 2880 None Jun-23

East Asia Pacific (EAP)

*Indicates service need differential (SND) posts.

Language Legends: CC-Chinese Cantonese; CM-Chinese Mandarin; VN-Vietnamese-Hanoi

Post Title Position Number Grade Skill Code Language Available
*BEIJING Consular Officer 30330277 03 3001 CM 3/2 Jun-24
*BEIJING Economic Officer 20040001 01 5015 CM 3/2 Aug-25
*BEIJING Economic Officer 20007001 02 5015 CM 3/2 Aug-24
*BEIJING Inf Mgt Specialist 55278228 04 2880 CM 0/0 Aug-23
*BEIJING Inf Mgt Specialist 55100002 04 2880 CM 0/0 May-23
*BEIJING DCM OMS 00013002 03 9017 CM 2/0 Jun-24
*BEIJING Reg Pub Engmnt 61111225 01 4200 CM 2/1 Aug-24
*BEIJING RSO OMS 56098001 04 9017 None Mar-23
*GUANGZHOU Cons Off 30097222 03 3001 CM 3/2; CC 3/2 Aug-23
*GUANGZHOU Cons Off 30010006 01 3001 CM 3/2; CC 3/2 Sep-25
*GUANGZHOU Cons Off 30078204 01 3001 CM 3/2; CC 3/2 Sep-25
*GUANGZHOU Consular Off 30046158 03 3001 CM 3/2; CC 3/2 Jul-23
*GUANGZHOU Cons Off 30104229 03 3001 CM 3/2; CC 3/2 Jun-22
*GUANGZHOU ESTH Officer 92028009 03 6020 CM 3/2 Aug-24
*GUANGZHOU Pol-Labor Off 10014003 03 5505 CM 3/2 Aug-23
*GUANGZHOU Econ Officer 20026000 03 5015 CM 3/2 Aug-24
*GUANGZHOU Consular Off 30020002 03 3001 CM 3/2; CC 3/2 Sep-22
HO CHI MINH CITY Consular Off 30378000 03 3001 VN 2/2 Mar-23
KUALA LUMPUR POL OMS 10062001 05 9017 None May-23
MAJURO Int Relations Off 10101028 03 6080 None May-23
*SHANGHAI Consular Officer 30075202 03 3001 CM 3/2 Jun-24
*SHANGHAI Consular Officer 30070196 03 3001 CM 3/2 Aug-23
*SHANGHAI Int Relations Off 10048174 02 6080 CM 3/3 Sep-24
*SHANGHAI Econ Off 20063189 03 5015 CM 3/3 Jul-24
*SHANGHAI Econ Officer 20050176 03 5015 CM 3/3 Jul-25
*SHENYANG PO OMS 00011002 04 9017 CM 2/0 Jul-24
VIENTIANE Int Relations Off 10181018 02 6080 None Mar-23
*WUHAN Consular Officer 30258206 01 3001 CM 3/2 Aug-25
*WUHAN Consular Officer 30255203 02 3001 CM 3/2 Aug-25
*WUHAN Consular Officer 30259207 03 3001 CM 3/2 Aug-24

Europe (EUR)

*Indicates service need differential (SND) posts.

Language Legends: AR-Armenian; RU-Russian; TU-Turkish

Post Title Position Number Grade Skill Code Language Available
ISTANBUL Inf Programs Off 55202000 03 2880 TU 0/0 Jun-24
*MOSCOW S-GSO 52115001 01 2301 RU 0/0 Dec-22
*MOSCOW Human Res Off 54129000 01 2201 RU 2/2 Mar-23
VALLETTA DCM OMS 00019002 05 9017 None May-23
YEREVAN DCM OMS 00003028 05 9017 RU 0/0; AR 0/0 Jun-23

Near East Asia (NEA)

*Indicates service need differential (SND) posts.

Language Legends: AD-Arabic (Modern Standard); FR-French

Post Title Position Number Grade Skill Code Language Available
*ALGIERS A-GSO 52023003 03 2301 FR 3/3; AD 2/1 Jul-23
*ALGIERS DCM OMS 00078001 05 9017 FR 0/0 Jul-23
AMMAN DCM OMS 00076001 03 9017 None Aug-23
*BEIRUT Pol-Econ Off 14022004 03 6050 AD 3/3 Oct-24
*BEIRUT PAO 60377000 01 4400 AD 3/3; FR 3/3 Sep-25
*BEIRUT Public Diplomacy Off 60378000 02 4400 AD 3/3 Aug-25
*CAIRO Consular Officer 30190000 03 3001 AD 2/2 Mar-23
DOHA DCM OMS 00021006 04 9017 None Jul-23
DOHA Management Off 50002002 01 2010 None Jul-23
DOHA Consular Officer 30225020 03 3001 None Mar-23
DUBAI DCM OMS 00062004 04 9017 None Jun-23
DUBAI Consular Officer 30105003 03 3001 AD 0/0 Mar-23
DUBAI Inf Mgt Spec 55073001 04 2880 None Aug-24
KUWAIT Political Officer 10062003 03 5505 AD 3/3 Oct-24
TEL AVIV IMTS-T 55029004 03 2882 None Aug-23
TUNIS Public Affairs Off 60017002 02 4400 AD 3/3 Jul-25
TUNIS General Services Off 50134005 03 2301 FR 3/3 Sep-23

South and Central Asia (SCA)

*Indicates service need differential (SND) posts.

Language Legends: BN-Bengali; KE-Kazakh; KM-Kirghiz; RU-Russian; TB-Tadjik

Post Title Position Number Grade Skill Code Language Available
ALMATY GSO 52015003 03 2301 RU 2/2; KE 2/2 Jul-24
ASTANA Pol-Econ OMS 10035001 05 9017 RU 2/2; KE 2/2 Aug-22
BISHKEK DCM OMS 00003029 05 9017 RU 0/0; KM 0/0 Mar-23
**DHAKA MGT OMS 50038001 05 9017 None Jun-23
*DHAKA Political Officer 10065003 03 5505 BN 3/3 Sep-24
*DHAKA Political Officer 14019007 03 5505 None Jul-23
*DHAKA Consular Officer 30069007 02 3001 BN 0/0 May-23
*DHAKA Public Diplomacy Off 60020008 03 4400 None May-23
*DUSHANBE Political Off 14022001 03 5505 RU 3/3; TB 3/3 Jul-24
*HYDERABAD FO OMS 00271000 05 9017 None Jul-23
*HYDERABAD Inf Programs Off 55265001 03 2880 None Mar-23
*HYDERABAD Consular Officer 30070004 02 3001 None Jun-23
*KOLKATA FO OMS 00079001 05 9017 None Oct-23
NEW DELHI RSO OMS 56825000 04 9017 None Jul-23

Western Hemisphere (WHA)

*Indicates service need differential (SND) posts.

Language Legends: FR-French; PY-Portuguese; QB-Spanish-Caribbean

Post Title Position Number Grade Skill Code Language Available
BOGOTA POL OMS 10078000 04 9017 QB 2/2 Mar-23
BOGOTA General Services Off 52192001 03 2301 QB 3/3 Feb-24
BRASILIA POL OMS 10004000 04 9017 PY 2/2 Mar-23
*GEORGETOWN Inf Mgt Off 55018001 03 2880 None Mar-23
KINGSTON PEPFAR Coordinator 00888030 02 6093 None Jul-23
KINGSTON Public Affairs Off 60101001 02 4400 None Oct-23
LA PAZ DCM OMS 00068000 05 9017 QB 2/2 Mar-23
MANAGUA POL OMS 10069000 05 9017 QB 2/2 Oct-23
*MATAMOROS Consular Off 30017010 03 3001 QB 3/3 May-24
*PORT AU PRINCE Cons Off 31068000 03 3001 FR 3/3 Aug-24
*PORT AU PRINCE FMO 57043000 02 2101 FR 2/2 Aug-24
*PORT AU PRINCE Information Off 60111002 02 4400 FR 3/3 Jun-24
SAN JOSE Consular Officer 30114000 03 3001 QB 3/3 Mar-23
SANTO DOMINGO Consular Off 33103000 02 3001 QB 3/3 Jul-23

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