The 2024-2025 Professional Development Fellowship (PDF) program application window is now closed. Please continue to check the GCLO webpages for updates and subscribe to the GCLO Weekly Newsletter for announcements.

Important Documents

State Magazine Article

General Information

Open to Eligible Family Member (EFM) spouses and Member of Household (MOH) partners of direct-hire U.S. government employees from all agencies serving overseas under Chief of Mission authority, the Professional Development Fellowship (PDF) program supports spouses and partners in their efforts to develop, maintain, and/or refresh their professional skills while overseas. Refer to the PDF FAQs for more detailed information on eligibility and program information.

Subject to budgetary constraints, PDFs from $1,000 up to $2,500 will be offered on a reimbursable basis for enrichment activities. Selectees will self-fund a minimum of 25 percent of the activity upon which the PDF is based. Proposals may include a wide range of activities including, but not limited to, classroom and distance learning courses, professional development activities, obtaining or renewal of professional certifications and licenses, development of new career skills, and participation in professional conferences. Selectees will be reimbursed after the PDF program activity is completed. The selectee submits the necessary documents to support the reimbursement request and is reimbursed accordingly.

View the PDF informational video for answers to common questions about the program.

If you have any additional questions, please see our PDF FAQs or email with the subject line: PDF Question.



General Questions About the Program


Application Process

PDF Activities


After Selection


More Information



General Questions About the Program

  1. What is the Professional Development Fellowship (PDF) program?
  2. What is the timeline for the professional activities?
  3. Do I have to get pre-approval to use PDF funds?


  1. Who is eligible to apply for the PDF program?
  2. Are Members of Household (MOH) eligible to apply for the PDF program?
  3. Is the PDF program open to spouses and partners who are currently employed?
  4. Is a non-U.S. citizen spouse or partner eligible to apply for a PDF?
  5. My direct-hire U.S. government employee spouse has just been accepted to the FS Professionals class. We won’t know where we are going until October. Am I eligible to apply for a PDF in case our assignment is overseas?
  6. My spouse is being posted to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. Would this be considered an overseas assignment, and as such, would I be eligible to apply for a PDF?
  7. I am a U.S. government contractor at the U.S. Embassy. Is my spouse eligible to apply for a PDF to finish a degree?
  8. We are currently residing in Virginia while my spouse takes language training at FSI. We will arrive at post this August. Am I still eligible to apply, even though we won’t be at post by the application deadline?
  9. Am I eligible to apply for a PDF if we will be assigned to and residing at an overseas post for only part of the PDF program period?
  10. If one of my proposed courses starts in July but takes 12 weeks to complete, can I complete the course AFTER the PDF program period end date of July 31 the following year?
  11. I am a Foreign Service Officer (FSO) on Leave Without Pay (LWOP) and will be living overseas while my spouse, a U.S. Government Direct Hire is assigned to an overseas post.  I will be under Chief of Mission (COM) authority.  Would I be eligible to apply for a PDF? 

Application Process

  1. When will the PDF application period open?
  2. Where can I find the application form for the PDF program?
  3. May I submit two applications?
  4. I would like to submit a proposal for distance learning courses and also a professional conference. Is this acceptable or do I need to choose just one?
  5. When I submit my application, can I include additional information as a separate attachment?
  6. I want to change my proposal. Can I send you another application?
  7. My whole project does not reach the reimbursable project expenses minimum of $1,334. Can I still apply?
  8. What travel document do I need to include with my application? For example, I have my assignment notice but no travel orders yet.
  9. What should I do if the links for the Project Activity and the links to the Cost are too long and do not fit in the space provided?
  10. Can I reach out to my regional Global Employment Advisor (GEA) for help with my PDF application?

PDF Activities

  1. Which professional activities are eligible under the PDF program?
  2. Can I take courses at FSI for my PDF activity?
  3. I plan to take online courses. Can I include the monthly internet cost and the cost of a laptop in my proposal?
  4. Can a PDF be used for an online MBA through a host country school?
  5. I am interested in studying for an online Master’s degree that will take more than a year to complete. Is it possible to apply for a PDF?
  6. I am a medical professional. Can I apply to receive a fellowship for pursuing a local host-country certification?
  7. Does language training qualify for this program?
  8. My proposal is for a certificate program which requires that I take three elective courses. Do I need to choose my electives now?
  9. I can’t locate the dates and costs of my proposed activity online because the schedule hasn’t been announced yet. How do I submit my proposal without this?
  10. My family and I plan to relocate to our overseas posting soon. Given that we will not necessarily have time to research all educational facilities before the PDF applications are due, may we be somewhat general in describing the program and school to which I would apply? Or does the application need to be exact?
  11. I am finalizing the budget portion of my PDF application. My proposal costs are for an activity in my host country. How do I handle the exchange rate for the USD figures? If I am selected, what if the costs increase by the time I begin?
  12. Can I include multiple activities in my PDF proposal?
  13. Can a PDF be used towards starting a new career path?


  1. I understand the PDF program is reimbursable after completion of the professional development activity. How do I know if I will be given a PDF?
  2. What is the selection process?
  3. What can I do to prepare a competitive application?

After Selection

  1. I was not selected. Can GCLO tell me why? Can you recommend other programs?
  2. My project was approved and there have been changes in my personal circumstances. I would like to change the content of my application. Is it possible?
  3. How many times may I change my application after it has been approved?
  4. My whole project turned out to be more expensive than I originally budgeted. Can I withdraw?
  5. Will GCLO consider my application for the two following PDF program period if I withdraw after the January 5 cut-off date?


  1. Which expenses would not be eligible for reimbursement under the PDF program?
  2. I was selected to receive a PDF. I will need to pay for registration for my approved activity before the PDF program start date of August. Will I be able to submit this cost for reimbursement?
  3. I was selected and received GCLO’s email that explains my responsibilities as a PDF recipient. The email indicates that I must submit an Automated Clearing House (ACH) form. I am concerned about providing my personal information; how do you handle it?
  4. My professional development activity is for 2 semesters of study. Can I submit my reimbursement request once I have paid for my second semester?
  5. Can I apply to the next PDF open season to get reimbursed for classes I took already?
  6. I am already at post and one of my proposed courses starts in July and continues through the PDF timeline. Can I start the course before the approved PDF timeline and request a pro-rata reimbursement if my project is approved?
  7. What if I failed my course/licensure? Will I still get reimbursed?
  8. I listed several itemized project expenses in my budget. I will be able to partially complete some of them. Am I allowed to submit reimbursement for a partially completed project?
  9. I was selected for a PDF. One course that was approved will not take place before the next PDF season. Can I have my PDF reimbursement credited for the next season since I will not spend the course money?
  10. My personal circumstances have changed. I partially conducted my project and can only claim reimbursement for one item. This item is more expensive than what was budgeted and approved. Will you reimburse the item based on the budget or based on the real price?
  11. I ordered some course textbooks on my spouse’s Amazon (or any other online) account. Is it acceptable if I submit the textbook receipt even though it has my spouse’s name rather than mine?
  12. Can I substitute a book for a course I did not take?
  13. What kind of receipts/invoices do you accept?
  14. GCLO indicates in the reimbursement instructions that it will take 21 to 42 days to process my reimbursement. Why does it take so long? If I don’t receive my reimbursement before the end of the fiscal year (September 30), will I lose the fellowship?
  15. Do I have to report the PDF on my income taxes?
  16. When does the PDF reimbursement package need to be submitted for my PDF activities?
  17. What documentation is required when submitting my PDF reimbursement package?

More Information

  1. Where can I find more information?

General Questions About the Program

1. What is the Professional Development Fellowship (PDF) program?

The Global Community Liaison Office’s (GCLO) Professional Development Fellowship (PDF) program supports spouses and partners in their efforts to develop, maintain, and/or refresh their professional skills while overseas. The program is open to spouses and partners of direct-hire U.S. government employees from all agencies serving overseas under Chief of Mission authority.

The total amount awarded will be subject to budgetary constraints. The program offers spouses and partners a chance to apply for a minimum individual PDF of $1,000 and a maximum of $2,500 offered on a reimbursable basis for enrichment activities. Applicants compete for a limited number of fellowships and applications are reviewed by a selection committee. Selected applicants will self-fund a minimum of 25% of the allowed reimbursable cost of the activity upon which the PDF is based, while the PDF will cover the additional allowed reimbursable cost up to the maximum amount of $2,500. Proposals may include a wide range of activities, including, but not limited to, classroom and distance learning courses, professional development activities, obtaining or renewing professional certifications or licenses and participation in professional conferences. Announcement of the annual PDF program period is released in a Springtime cable, the GCLO Weekly newsletter, post newsletters, and on this GCLO PDF webpage. Applications are accepted through 11:59pm on a specific date, although dates and program details may vary from year to year. The PDF program period is from August 1 to July 31 of the following year.

2. What is the timeline for the professional activities?

The PDF program period covers activities that commence no earlier than August 1 and conclude no later than July 31 of the following year. Activities started prior to and conducted after the approved timeline will NOT be reimbursed. There are no exceptions.

3. Do I have to get pre-approval to use PDF funds?

Yes. Applicants compete for a limited number of PDFs. Applications are reviewed by a selection committee. Open application season begins in early spring each year. All applicants are notified as to their status by early August.


1. Who is eligible to apply for the PDF program?

The U.S. Department of State’s PDF program is open to Eligible Family Member (EFM) spouses and Members of Household (MOH) partners of direct-hire U.S. government employees from all agencies serving overseas under Chief of Mission authority. Applicants must be the spouse or partner of a direct-hire U.S. government employee (“sponsor”) assigned to and residing at an overseas post under Chief of Mission authority during the fellowship period dates of August 1 of the current year through July 31 of the following year.

  • Spouses and partners of those employees assigned to unaccompanied posts are eligible to apply only if they are residing overseas during the PDF period.
  • Spouses and partners of those employees on domestic assignments, on TDY in the United States, in training in the United States, or who are on unaccompanied tours but are residing in the United States during the PDF program period are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants who have received a previous PDF and who meet the eligibility requirements may apply again. However, applicants who have received PDFs for the two preceding consecutive program periods must wait one program period before reapplying.
  • Applicants who were awarded a previous PDF and failed to withdraw by the January deadline are ineligible to apply for the next two successive PDF seasons.

2. Are Members of Household (MOH) eligible to apply for the PDF program?

Yes. MOHs (i.e., domestic partner as defined in 3 FAM 1600 of the direct hire U.S. government employee) are eligible to apply for the program. Grandparents, parents, adult children, grandchildren and other MOHs not included on the orders of the direct hire employee are not eligible to apply for the program.

3. Is the PDF program open to spouses and partners who are currently employed?

Yes. Applicants may be employed or unemployed. If you are a current or previous Department of State employee, please provide us with your employee number (found in box 44 of the SF-50) to facilitate reimbursement.

4. Is a non-U.S. citizen spouse or partner eligible to apply for a PDF?

Yes. U.S. citizenship is not a requirement to apply for a PDF. Please go to GCLO’s PDF Guidelines webpage for complete eligibility criteria. Keep in mind that at the end of program year, the PDF reimbursement can only be made to a U.S. bank account in the name of the PDF selectee. If a PDF selectee does not have an SSN, they can still be reimbursed as long as they have a U.S. bank account.

5. My direct-hire U.S. government employee spouse has just been accepted to the FS Professionals class. We won’t know where we are going until October. Am I eligible to apply for a PDF in case our assignment is overseas?

No. To be eligible to apply for a PDF, you must have an overseas assignment by the application deadline. Additionally, you must be residing at an overseas post during the PDF period.

6. My spouse is being posted to the U.S. Mission for the United Nations. Would this be considered an overseas assignment, and as such, would I be eligible to apply for a PDF?

You would not be able to apply in this case. The U.S. Mission for the UN position is a domestic assignment. To be eligible to apply for the PDF program, your direct-hire U.S. government employee sponsor (spouse or partner) must be assigned to an overseas post.

7. I am a U.S. government contractor at the U.S. Embassy. Is my spouse eligible to apply for the PDF to finish a degree?

Unfortunately, contractors’ family members do not qualify for this program.

8. We are currently residing in Virginia while my spouse takes language training at FSI. We will arrive at post this August. Am I still eligible to apply, even though we won’t be at post by the application deadline?

Yes. As long as you have an assignment to an overseas post at the time you apply and you reside overseas during the PDF program period, which is August 1 through July 31. Please note that you can’t begin your PDF-funded activity before arriving at your overseas post.

9. Am I eligible to apply for a PDF if we will be assigned to and residing at an overseas post for only part of the PDF program period?

It depends on the timing. You can’t begin your PDF activity until the PDF program period begins, which is August 1 or before arriving at your overseas post. If you are departing the overseas post, you must complete your PDF while you are still overseas and before the end of the PDF program period, which is July 31.

10. If one of my proposed courses starts in July but takes 12 weeks to complete, can I complete the course AFTER the PDF program period end date of July 31 the following year?

No. PDF program activities must be started and completed within the program period dates of August 1 through July 31. No exceptions can be granted.

11. I am a Foreign Service Officer (FSO) on Leave Without Pay (LWOP) and will be living overseas while my spouse, a U.S. Government Direct Hire is assigned to an overseas post.  I will be under Chief of Mission (COM) authority.  Would I be eligible to apply for a PDF? 

You would not be able to apply in this case.  Many factors are considered when awarding PDF, to include lack of employment options in the spouse’s or partner’s profession at their post of assignment. PDF supports spouses and partners that may have trouble in securing employment inside or outside the mission, to develop, maintain, and/or refresh their professional skills that may benefit overseas communities under COM authority.

Application Process

1. When will the PDF application period open?

GCLO typically calls for PDF applications in the spring, with applications accepted until a specific deadline. The PDF program period is August 1 to July 31. GCLO posts the most current details about the PDF program, as they become available, on GCLO’s website.  GCLO also announces the program in a Springtime cable, in GCLO Weekly, and on GCLO’s Facebook page.

2. Where can I find the application form for the PDF Program?

GCLO publishes instructions and the application form on GCLO’s PDF website.  If you do not find the answers to your questions on the GCLO website, please send a message to or

3. May I submit two applications?

No. You can submit only one application.

4. I would like to submit a proposal for distance learning courses and also a professional conference. Is this acceptable or do I need to choose just one?

You can submit only one PDF application proposal, but your proposal can include multiple activities as long as they all support your professional development plan. Be sure to state the proposal in detail in your application, including a breakdown of the costs for all activities.

5. When I submit my application, can I include additional information as a separate attachment?

No. To be considered, your application must be completed as instructed, without attachments.

6. I want to change my proposal. Can I send you another application?

If the PDF application deadline has not passed, write to to notify GCLO that you wish to withdraw your original application. You must then submit your revised/corrected application prior to the PDF application deadline.

7. My whole project does not reach the “Reimbursable Project Expenses” minimum of $1,334. Can I still apply?

No. Please make sure your complete project meets this minimum requirement; otherwise your application will not be accepted.

8. What travel documents do I need to include with my application? For example, I have my assignment notice but no travel orders yet.

You do not need to include any travel documentation with your application. Please indicate your post and dates of overseas assignment on the application.

9. What should I do if the links for the Project Activity and the links to the Cost are too long and do not fit in the space provided?

If the link to the provider or link to the cost for the project activity does not fit in the space provided, please include the link(s) in the email when you submit your application. If you have multiple providers, be sure to identify the provider with the corresponding links.

10. Can I reach out to my regional Global Employment Advisor (GEA) for help with my PDF application? 

Yes, your GEA can provide guidance and tips for completing the PDF application. Find your GEA on the Global Employment Initiative webpage or reach out to

PDF Activities

1. Which professional activities are eligible under the PDF program?

Activities can include, but are not limited to, classroom and distance learning courses from an accredited university, professional development, obtaining or renewal of professional certification and license, and participation in professional conferences.

Fellowships have been awarded to spouses and partners for taking classes towards a bachelor’s or master’s degree; for becoming certified in health and wellness programs like yoga or cross fit, Pilates, or personal training. Others have taken courses towards continuing education units in law, nursing, veterinary medicine, or education. Awards have been granted for language tutors and programs, as well as photography, writing, culinary arts, winemaking, chocolatier skills, voice lessons, flight instructor lessons, or painting courses. The professional development options are boundless.

More information on conferences is available under “Application Procedures” on the PDF Guidelines webpage.

2. Can I take courses at FSI for my PDF activity?

No. FSI courses are not eligible PDF activities because FSI does not accept payment from individuals.

3. I plan to take online courses. Can I include the monthly internet cost and the cost of a laptop in my proposal?

No. If you are submitting a PDF proposal for an on-line course, you must have internet connection and a computer. Hardware, software, other equipment, and internet or phone service are non-allowable PDF expenses.

4. Can a PDF be used for an online MBA through a host country school?

Yes. This activity is eligible for the PDF program. If your proposal is selected, the courses for which you seek reimbursement must be taken and completed within the PDF program period to which you apply.

5. I am interested in studying for an online Master’s degree that will take more than a year to complete. Is it possible to apply for a PDF?

Yes. You can apply with a proposal toward earning a degree. Submit your proposal for the portion of your studies that will occur, be billed, and paid for during the PDF program period that commences on or after August 1 and will be completed by July 31 the following year.

6. I am a medical professional. Can I apply to receive a fellowship for pursuing a local host-country certification?

Yes. Doctors, nurses, lawyers, and other licensed/certified professionals are eligible to apply for educational requirements to obtain a local host-country license/certification. Please be aware that the requirements for this will vary greatly from country to country and the length of time it may take to get the license/certification may be far longer than the time you will be in your current assignment and/or is available in the PDF program year of August 1 through July 31.

7. Does language training qualify for this program?

Yes. Language programs and individual tutoring sessions for professional development are allowable PDF expenses. Classes taught via the Post Language Program are not an allowable expense.

8. My proposal is for a certificate program which requires that I take three elective courses. Do I need to choose my electives now?

No. Please indicate how many elective courses you plan to take during the PDF program period and provide a list of electives that you can choose from that qualify for your certificate program. The list must come from the school or their website page/catalog. If your proposal is selected, your reimbursement request and invoices/receipts must match your approved proposal course list.

9. I can’t locate the dates and costs of my proposed activity online because the schedule hasn’t been announced yet. How do I submit my proposal without this?

If your proposed activity dates and costs for the PDF program period dates are not available, contact the provider to find out if it is likely the activity will be offered during the program period (commencing on or after August 1 and completed no later than July 31 the following year). The costs from the most recent offering of the activity that you find online must be used in your PDF proposal. Please be aware that if you are selected to receive a PDF, the amount awarded can’t increase, even if the activity costs increase.

10. My family and I plan to relocate to our overseas posting soon. Given that we will not necessarily have time to research all educational facilities before the PDF applications are due, may we be somewhat general in describing the program and school to which I would apply? Or does the application need to be exact?

Your application proposal and budget should contain the most current, available information as of the date you apply. If you receive a PDF, after completion of the project activities you will submit a single reimbursement request with invoices and receipts that match the items approved in the original proposal. Your reimbursable amount will not increase after project selection, and the final reimbursement will be calculated using invoices and receipts you provide.

11. I am finalizing the budget portion of my PDF application. My proposal costs are for an activity in my host country. How do I handle the exchange rate for the USD figures? If I am selected, what if the costs increase by the time I begin?

You must use the most current costs available from the course provider and the exchange rate as of the date you apply. A link to the approved exchange rate site is included in the application form instructions. Please be aware that if you are selected to receive a PDF, the amount awarded can’t increase, even if the activity costs increase due to an increase in the exchange rate.

12. Can I include multiple activities in my PDF proposal? 

Yes, your proposal may include multiple activities, but they must all support the same professional development plan (e.g., taking college courses and renewing a professional license).

13. Can a PDF be used towards starting a new career path?

Yes, a PDF proposal can include a wide range of activities to include the development of a new career path/skills.


1. I understand the PDF program is reimbursable after completion of the professional development activity. How do I know if I will be given a PDF?

After the Selection Committee reviews applications, selected applicants will be notified of results by early August.

2. What is the selection process?

There are a number of factors involved in the selection process and the applicant pool is very competitive. The Selection Committee criteria are outlined in the PDF program announcement of the PDF application period and found on GCLO’s PDF Guidelines webpage. The Selection Committee is comprised of representatives from regional bureaus, the Office of Overseas Employment (GTM/OE) and GCLO. Each application is individually reviewed and scored by each committee member. Applications are ranked within each bureau. Each bureau receives a percentage of the budgeted allotment correlating to the percentage of applications received from that bureau. Historically, GCLO has been able to offer PDFs to approximately 30-50 percent of the total number of applicants.

3. What can I do to prepare a competitive application?

Read the PDF program guidelines from the announcement carefully and completely. You can find them on GCLO’s PDF Guidelines webpage. Be aware of and address any of the Selection Committee criteria that apply to you. Clearly describe and detail your professional background and proposed plans. Submit an application that links your overall professional aspirations to your proposed enrichment activities for the upcoming PDF program period.

After Selection

1. I was not selected. Can GCLO tell me why? Can you recommend other programs?

The PDF program is competitive and generates strong interest with hundreds of applications. Each application is carefully reviewed and weighed against other applications. The Selection Committee selects a limited number of applications in proportion to the amount of funds available.  In addition to PDF, applicants may be interested in applying for other programs: Scholarships and Education Discounts.

2. My project was approved and there have been changes in my personal circumstances. I would like to change the content of my application. Is it possible?

GCLO can accommodate some changes in your approved PDF activities, provided the final project retains the essence of the project approved by the Selection Committee. As a recipient, you have the responsibility to inform GCLO as soon as possible for our review. GCLO will ultimately determine if the proposed change will be approved. Please note that GCLO will not reimburse expenses for any project change that is not pre-approved.

3. How many times may I change my application after it has been approved?

Once. Please inform GCLO as soon as possible so that we can review the proposed change. Changes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please keep in mind that GCLO will examine the proposal to see whether it retains the essence of the project approved by the Selection Committee. GCLO will not reimburse expenses incurred for project changes that are not pre-approved nor will GCLO approve an increase in the fellowship amount arising from an approved change.

4. My whole project turned out to be more expensive than I originally budgeted. Can I withdraw?

You may withdraw without incurring any penalties during the program cycle from August 1 to January 5. Please inform GCLO as soon as possible so that we can offer the funds to another applicant. If you inform us after January 5, you will not be considered for the following two PDF program periods.

5. Will GCLO consider my application for the two following PDF program periods if I withdraw after the January 5 cutoff date?

No.  Your responsibility as a PDF recipient is to inform us as soon as possible if you need to withdraw from the program. The January 5 cut-off date is slightly more than five months in to the PDF program year. GCLO will consider force majeure requests on a case-by-case basis only.


1. Which expenses would not be eligible for reimbursement under the PDF program?

Membership fees and subscription costs (except those for the purpose of providing electronic access to course content, which must be completed during the fellowship program period as verified by proof of completion); travel; transportation; lodging; per diem, meals to include but not limited to: working breakfasts, lunch, networking social hours, happy hours, galas, dinners, etc.; childcare costs; startup business costs (such as, but not limited to: supplies, assessments, test kits, tool kits, uniforms, materials used to make goods, equipment or tools used to provide services or goods); hardware, software or equipment; books (except those required for course completion); course materials and supplies; printing costs; salary or other payment for services of assistants, translators, etc.; shipping and handling fees; bank fees; late fees, cancellation fees; and any costs not included in the approved PDF application are not eligible for reimbursement.

2. I was selected to receive a PDF. I will need to pay for registration for my approved activity before the PDF program start date of August 1. Will I be able to submit this cost for reimbursement?

GCLO will reimburse a pre-paid invoice issued on or after April 1 for approved activities that start on or after August 1. However, please submit all your invoices/receipts only after you have completed your activity. GCLO is not responsible for any cancellation fees relating to project registrations that have not been fully approved.

3. I was selected and received GCLO’s email that explains my responsibilities as a PDF recipient. The email indicates that I must submit an Automated Clearing House (ACH) form. I am concerned about providing my personal information; how do you handle it?

The ACH form allows GCLO to request your reimbursement from the Department of State financial department in Charleston, SC. Please read the ACH form instructions carefully. If you are a current or former employee with the Department of State and/or active member of the FSFRC, you do not need to provide us with your social security number; only your employee ID number is required.

Additionally, if you have an employee ID number, the banking information used on the ACH Vendor form must be the same as what was submitted when you were hired by the Department or enrolled in the FSFRC. If you need to change the banking information on file with the Department, you will need to do so via Employee Express.

4. My professional development activity is for 2 semesters of study. Can I submit my reimbursement request once I have paid for my second semester?

No. Reimbursement requests are submitted after you have completed your enrichment activity for a one-time reimbursement. Each reimbursement package must contain proof or letter of completion.

5. Can I apply to the next PDF open season to get reimbursed for classes I took already?

No. The PDF does not cover costs incurred prior to the PDF program period dates to which you are applying. If you receive a PDF, the fellowship program period will cover activities that start on or after August 1 of the current year and conclude no later than July 31 the following year.

6. I am already at post and one of my proposed courses starts in July and continues through the PDF timeline. Can I start the course before the approved PDF timeline and request a pro-rata reimbursement if my project is approved?

No. PDF program activities must be started and completed within the program period dates of August 1 through July 31 the following year.

7. What if I failed my course/ licensure? Will I still get reimbursed?

GCLO understands that despite one’s best effort, it is not always possible to obtain a satisfactory course grade. GCLO’s PDF program does not require students to successfully pass any exam, although our program’s ultimate goal is to give our family members tools to be successful. GCLO will reimburse the project expenses but will request that the recipient complete his/her activity as approved by the committee regardless of whether the recipient successfully passes his/her exams. If the activity is not completed within the designated program period, GCLO will not reimburse for this activity.

8. I listed several itemized project expenses in my budget. I will be able to partially complete some of them. Am I allowed to submit reimbursement for a partially completed project?

While GCLO encourages recipients to commit to their project by conducting their activities to the best of their ability, we understand circumstances may change and we will accept partial project completion after reviewing with the recipient the reason why s/he cannot complete the PDF project. Please contact GCLO as soon as possible to inform us so that we can use the remaining funds for another potential recipient. Please also include an explanation for the partially completed project.

9. I was selected for a PDF. One course that was approved will not take place before the next PDF season. Can I have my PDF reimbursement credited for the next season since I will not spend the course money?

No. Unfortunately, PDF fellowships are subject to budgetary constraints, and we cannot offer credit for any portion of the award that is not used during the approved PDF season. You may contact GCLO to propose a potential alternative course, but it should not substantially change the nature of your previously approved project.

10. My personal circumstances have changed. I partially conducted my project and can only claim reimbursement for one item. This item is more expensive than what was budgeted and approved. Will you reimburse the item based on the budget or based on the real price?

It depends. All changes to your activities must be approved by GCLO.  If you are unable to complete your full activity, reimbursement will be based on information submitted in the reimbursement package. Reimbursement will never exceed the awarded fellowship amount and each recipient must fund at least 25 percent of the total.

11. I ordered some course textbooks on my spouse’s Amazon (or any other online) account. Is it acceptable if I submit the textbook receipt even though it has my spouse’s name rather than mine?

If you already purchased books using your spouse’s account, please have your spouse add a signed note to the invoice stating that the books were purchased on your behalf in accordance with your approved PDF fellowship. Otherwise, since you are the PDF recipient and will be reimbursed accordingly, please make sure all invoices are submitted with your name.

12. Can I substitute a book for a course I did not take?

No. Only textbooks required for course completion are considered reimbursable expenses.

13. What kind of receipts/invoices do you accept?

Once you confirm your acceptance of a PDF, GCLO will outline recipient responsibilities regarding expense receipts in the PDF Reimbursement Instructions email. Please read that message carefully.

  • Receipts must include the name of the PDF recipient
  • Receipts must explicitly state the purpose of the expenses
  • Receipts must display the date of payment and itemized expenses being claimed
  • Receipt must indicate that payment was made
  • Credit card statements can only be accepted if accompanied by an invoice
  • Scanned copies of receipts are acceptable
  • GCLO cannot accept handwritten receipts or invoices, with the exception of required notations, as mentioned in #11, above
  • Please keep all original paperwork for tax records

14. GCLO indicates in the reimbursement instructions that it will take 21 to 42 days to process my reimbursement. Why does it take so long? If I don’t receive my reimbursement before the end of the fiscal year (September 30), will I lose the fellowship?

The reimbursement time frame is conservative. GCLO provides the initial approval before submitting to the Department of State’s financial department for final review and disbursement. When possible, we recommend that you submit your reimbursement package prior to July 31. Reimbursements submitted toward the end of the fiscal year may experience longer reimbursement periods.

15. Do I have to report the PDF on my income taxes?

Global Financial Services Charleston Office of Claims has confirmed that the reimbursement you receive for your Professional Development Fellowship activity is nontaxable; therefore, they will not issue a 1099 form. Please consult your tax advisor if you need further guidance.

16. When does the PDF reimbursement package need to be submitted for my PDF activities?

All PDF activities must start on or after August 1 of the program year and must be completed by July 31 of the following year. Selectees must submit a complete PDF reimbursement package, with all required documentation, by July 31of that program year in order to be eligible for reimbursement. There will be no extensions and no exceptions to this requirement. PDF recipients are encouraged not to wait until the deadline to submit the reimbursement package.

17. What documentation is required when submitting my PDF reimbursement package?

At the completion of all approved PDF activities, the selectee is required to submit a PDF reimbursement package by July 31 of the program year, which must include the Automated Clearing House (ACH) vendor form, a financial worksheet with detailed accounting of the approved project and related expenses, receipts for incurred expenses, and proof/certification of completion for each completed PDF activity. Additionally, selectees should complete a short survey describing program activities and accomplishments. Selectees will receive specific instructions on project completion requirements after acceptance of their PDF.

More Information

1. Where can I find more information?

If you need additional information, please email or call GCLO at 202-647-1076.

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future