Training Resources

  • The Department of State is authorized to provide some training to family members of U.S. Government direct-hire personnel. Training is offered to family members on a space-available basis.

Enrollment Information:

Student Information System

The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) introduced the new Student Information System (SIS) in an effort to modernize, automate, and improve security in its information and training delivery. The system upgrade provides easier access for all students and users of student information, greater security, and data integrity. Additional phases will be launched to provide a better platform for FSI to serve the unique training needs of each bureau and foreign affairs agency.


Family members of U.S. direct-hire employees assigned to an overseas mission may be eligible for training through the Foreign Service Institute (FSI).  FSI’s mandate is to provide training to Foreign Service Officers. Family members should pay careful attention to FSI’s course catalog to learn if Eligible Family Members (EFMs) may apply since not all classes are open to EFMs, and seats are offered on a space-available basis.

EFMs and Members of Household (MOH) who are not employed at post, along with third party contractors, and other government agency users must be admitted to the Foreign Service Institute’s (FSI) Student Information System (SIS) prior to accessing FSI’s training. Applications must be fully and correctly completed, and approved and signed by an appropriate authority of the applicant’s bureau or agency. Persons denied admission may ask the Executive Director of FSI to review the denial. Requests can be sent to


EFMs already employed with the Department of State or EFM students currently taking courses at FSI have been migrated to the new system. Other members of the foreign affairs community, including EFMs, MOHs, and other agency employees will be required to apply for access to the SIS, and need to apply for admission through the online SIS application. Students must be admitted to FSI prior to accessing FSI’s training. In accordance with the Department Security protocols, the system now uses Okta  for user identification.

Department of State Eligible Family Members
There is no charge for admission to FSI training for a Department of State EFMs. Please include your Foreign Service sponsor’s information on your Admissions application for validation of your information with Global Talent Management.

Non-Department of State and other U.S. Government Employees
There is no charge for admissions to FSI, please proceed to the Admissions application. Once you’ve been admitted to FSI you’ll receive email confirmation and can proceed to the FSI Course Catalog to apply for enrollment.

Department of State Personal Services Contractors (PSC) and Department of State Third Party Contractors
Contractors must apply to be admitted to the SIS before applying for classes. Admission to FSI is free for both Department of State Personal Services contractors and Third-Party contractors; please proceed to the Admissions application to apply for admission. Once you’ve been admitted you can proceed with enrolling in courses in the FSI Course Catalog.

FSI’s Policies, Terms and Conditions

Attendance Policy
Students are required to maintain 100 percent attendance for all classes.

Cancellation Terms
Family members who register for courses are expected to attend. If students know in advance that they are unable to attend the course, they must log into the SIS home page, scroll to the “My Enrollments” tab, and click the blue DROP button, if the course is within the open drop period. The open drop period is five (5) days before the course offering start date for Department of State students and 10 days before the start date for non-State students. If the drop button is not available, contact to arrange a cancellation.

Failure to do so could jeopardize the family member’s selection for future training and may result in student reimbursement of the course cost.

See FSI’s Policies, Terms and Conditions for more details on Attendance Policy, Cancellation Terms, Substituting Students, No-Show Penalties, Incomplete Penalties, and Financial Policy and Terms.

Other training available to Family Members

Note for non-Department of State family members
Applications from non-State employees must include payment information and be signed by an individual who is authorized to commit funds. Family members who are affiliated with non-Department of State agencies and posted to U.S. missions abroad are subject to their agency’s regulations, procedures and funding, and should seek guidance from their agency regarding funding, enrollment procedures or related resources.

FSI’s Transition Center Training Course List
At the Transition Center (TC), a variety of courses are available for Eligible Family Members in the areas of Foreign Service Life, Personal and Financial Planning, Foreign Service Families, Going Overseas, Expanding Employment Options, and Security Overseas.

Language Courses
The Foreign Service Institute’s School of Language Studies (SLS) offers instruction in over 65 languages starting from beginner to high proficiency. Seats are offered to family members on a space-available basis. Language courses can be found through the FSI course catalogue once enrolled in the FSI SIS. EFMs and MOHs not employed at post must be approved by their sponsor’s Career Development Officer (CDO).  Be sure to list the sponsor’s CDO as both supervisor and training officer and include your personal email address, and not that of the sponsor.

FSI’s Distance Language Learning Program – offers more than 20 languages, accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. A mentor monitors and guides the student on a weekly basis. For more information, contact

FSI’s Self-Guided Study Resources is available by enrolling in the various language libraries offered by FSI, such as Mango (30 languages from beginner to intermediate level), and FSI’s other online linguistic resources (25 languages at varying skill levels). For more information, search FSI SIS Course Catalog and use the search bar for a specific language) or contact

Many posts offer a Language Training Program. Family members should check with their post on the availability of these programs.

FSI Distance Learning for Foreign Service Family Members 
Department of State family members can take advantage of the extensive Commercial FSI Learn courses, formerly known as Skillsoft General Library (login required to enroll). Once students are enrolled in FSI SIS, they must then enroll through the FASTRAC link to gain access to the FSI Learn courses.  Students receive access (valid for one year) that includes access to over 2,300 courses ranging from Information Technology to Management.

Non-Department of State family members should check with their agency for similar resources.

FACT Training

Eligible Family Members and Members of Household are eligible to take Diplomatic Security’s Foreign Affairs Counter Threat (FACT) Training. For questions about enrollment or logistics, please email

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