Efforts by the United States and Iraq to settle longstanding claims of U.S. nationals who were victims of the Saddam Hussein regime have been brought to conclusion today in accordance with the U.S.-Iraq Claims Settlement Agreement that was signed on September 2, 2010. The settlement is designed to provide fair compensation for American nationals who were prisoners of war, hostages, and human shields during the first Gulf War and U.S. servicemen who were injured in the 1987 attack on the USS Stark, and to confirm Iraq’s immunity in U.S. courts in connection with such claims.

The resolution of these claims is the product of several years of hard work and careful negotiations between the governments of the United States and Iraq. It represents a significant step in Iraq’s efforts to resolve outstanding claims arising from actions of the previous regime. Congressman Bruce Braley’s unwavering support of the Administration’s efforts to achieve resolution of the claims was instrumental throughout the process leading up to the conclusion of the Agreement and beyond.

The Department of State will now establish procedures through which eligible U.S. nationals will be able to apply for compensation for their claims. This may include the referral of some claims to the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission for adjudication. Individuals who would like more information about the claims process or to file a claim should contact the dedicated Iraq Claims hotline at 202-776-8580. Department personnel will respond to their questions and keep them informed on future developments. The Department will also contact claimants with whom it has already been in contact either directly or through counsel to make them aware of next steps.

U.S. – Iraq Claims Settlement Agreement (PDF)

U.S. Department of State

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