Through our core offerings, our experts in management tackle four main organizational goals:

  1. Strengthen the Department’s strategic management

    M/SS advances the Department’s efforts to foster a culture and expectation of active risk management in decision-making at all levels of the organization.  M/SS helps strengthen Department planning and coordination of topics and decisions related to U.S. Government executive branch presence overseas.  M/SS supports chief of mission responsibilities by ensuring sound implementation of applicable U.S. law and Presidential directive.

  2. Empower data-informed diplomacy

    M/SS is dedicated to enhancing the data culture, data management, and application of data analytics and Artificial Intelligence across the Department. By leveraging the Center for Analytics, M/SS is actively developing the Department’s ability to utilize data as a strategic resource, empowering employees at all levels to make informed, data-driven decisions.

  3. Advance solutions to cross-cutting management and sustainability challenges

    Through our Consulting and Advanced Projects team, M/SS works to improve complex challenges by planning, developing, and partnering on enterprise-wide projects and programs, including work on climate adaption, sustainability, and resilience. M/SS also works to optimize the overall management platform to improve satisfaction and cost efficiency.

  4. Internally, promote a high-performing, forward-looking organization that thrives on diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and teamwork.

    M/SS works to improve the Department at large, but we also strive to serve as a leading example of inclusion and continuous improvement. M/SS launched the Do Better Council in 2020 to do just that. Our vision is to practice inclusive behavior and continuous self-awareness to create an environment that allows all employees to thrive equally.

U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future