A biologist from the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary photographs the damage done to a coral reef from a boat that grounded on the reef. An elkhorn coral branch broken in the incident appears in the foreground. (Original Source: National Ocean Service Image Gallery, via NOAA)

Marine Scientific Research


  • All applications for U.S. scientists to conduct marine scientific research in foreign waters must be submitted 6 or more months in advance of the start of research.  Applications submitted under this timeframe will not be accepted or processed.

  • For all planned marine scientific research related port calls, please refer to the State Department travel advisories.

  • If you are planning to make a port call as part of your marine scientific research cruise, please contact MarineScience@state.gov.

OPA promotes science and diplomacy, improves maritime domain awareness, and safeguards the interests of the U.S. scientific community through the marine scientific research consent program.

  • Annually, OPA facilitates diplomatic marine scientific research consent for U.S. scientists to conduct more than 300 research cruises in over 70 coastal States.
  • OPA manages the review process which issues consent to dozens of foreign scientists a year to conduct research in U.S. waters.

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U.S. Department of State

The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future